
Does anybody know of an internet business that does not require internet marketing I do not like internet mar

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I am not good at internet marketing and am looking for a way to make money online.




  1. Well, actually I know of a way that you can make money without using online marketing,, although you would make more if you did.  Check out my site,

  2. Hi,

    You will need to know that to make money online - there are 4 main methods.

    1. Buying and selling on Ebay

    2. Affiliate Marketing - Selling other people's products

    3. Adsense or Adsense alternative Advertising

    4. Creating your own info product to sell online

    Depending on your aptitude and experiences, you might prefer one over the others.

    Most people start with Affiliate Marketing - which involves the selling of other people's products online and earning a commission through it.

    In your case however you want to consider Adsense revenues - which involves making money through Adsense or similiar paid advertising.

    A website I created called Monetizing Success helps to layout the various online money making methods effectively and introduces various products that I have used and tested over the years. These reviews are genuine and should be quite helpful to you.

    I highly recommend you visit it to find out more.

    Thank you and kind regards,


  3. You have to market any business, on or off-line. The best place for you to go is ebay, there will be marketing involved if you plan to beat your competition. This is the least amount however, because ebay will provide you with the majority of your traffic.

  4. All internet business is about marketing, and thats the truth. You have to get your website seen by people to make money... no taffic... no sales....

    I would suggest a work at home company.. where you get paid  hourly..

    comment above lol....

  5. Make $1,000's Weekly with a Health Internet Business of Your Very Own

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  6. If you do not want to market, you need to at least do some planning up front and then hire a Virtual Buzz Assistant to market for you.

    I actually started that network because so many people come to me for marketing and I did not want to do it for them (Nor could I)

    There are plenty of people that are happy to market for you if you have the business structure to support paying them.

  7. So you want a successfull business without working.

    There are lots of businesses like this full of people like you looking for an easy buck.  The only money made is by the people that set it up.

    It does not exist.  You would not expect it in the real world why do you think it would happen online.

  8. If you want to make money online you'd better start learning and liking online marketing. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying to you, even if they themselves don't realize it yet. Think about it... what business, online or off can be successful without marketing?

    Your question should be: Does anyone know of a business-grade course or game plan for marketing online designed for someone who isn't too great at marketing or someone who has no experience marketing online?

    To that, my suggestion would be to check out the late Cory Rudl's Internet Marketing Center. His second-in-charge now runs the show and is doing an exemplary job.

    In fact, he put out a new resource that could help you tremendously called BeBiz ( Share your thoughts...

  9. You might not like internet marketing but that is where the money is. I have been promoting this site for 3 months and I am making $800 a month from it. You might want to check it out.

  10. Your question is a bit confusing as you say you want to make money on line, but you do not want to do internet marketing online .... so let me answer this way -

    BUT - Absolutely - there are several good home based businesses to be found ONLINE and none of them REQUIRE that you market strictly on line.  

    As far as marketing on line, it takes skills and many think skills is just spamming their link all over the internet thinking that will drive business to their site..  NOT so...

  11. that makes no sense - how else are you going to advertise an online business - well, you can always pay a $1000 per month for one billboard that a few 1000 local people may see, of which 3 may have an interest in actually viewing your site and probably none will buy anything - you won;t make any money if you don;t do marketing - marketing is everything in business - geez.

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