
Does anybody know of any investors interested in alternative energy projects?Seems it's all talk no action

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Does anybody know of any investors interested in alternative energy projects?Seems it's all talk no action




  1. I don't know any, but there must be a lot of them because there are a lot of alternative energy projects under way now and the money to fund them came from someone!

  2. woodyfla

    i'm always looking for new alternative energy methods. check out the link above and if you think you have something that fits in i'd be willing to discuss funding for it.

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at  www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Retired Boeing Engineer now living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit:  

    www agua-luna com

    Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

  3. ok

  4. I agree with all of the answers.

  5. There seems to be more and more groups looking into this one major invester is Honda Motors they have open a new solar panel manufactoring plant in Japan. You would think China the one that would gain the most in investing in alternitive energy. But it take money at this point in time investers are few and far between. May be you can get Bill Gates or a Paul McCathy to invest. Mean While just keep asking. This problem is going to be solved by us not the oil companies. Here is a simple thing you can do to save some energy. When you change your oil next time use full Synthetic Oil and make sure you use the right wieght of oil putting 10w 40 in a car that uses 5w 30 can cost you mileage and performance. 1 to 3 miles per gal over regular oil is what you can expect. I know this does not sound like much until you take by the tank full 10 gals. of gas  mile per gal 20 mile per gal that like getting an extra gal of gas. or 3.25 saving take that by 2000 miles that is over $32.50  in saving. Now here even more saving. Synthetic Oil does not break down like regular oil and can be change every 7,500 miles vs 3,000 mile infact you can just change the oil filter and add the oil to bring it up to full normally 1 quart  and get up to 50,000 miles or 3 years on this same oil. If you used synthetic in your car since it was new after break in period. You will get the most of doing this, for older cars because of slug that is on the inside of the engine it is not recommended that you leave synthic oil more then 7,500 mile because it will get dirty. We been brain washed by the oil companies and mechanics to change our oil every 3,000 miles or 3 months. This is no long the case if you are using Full Synthetic Oil. Yes, this oil is more expensive, about $5.50 per quart vs 3.00 per quart, but it will save you time and money by not having to change it as often and gas because it lubercation is better then regular oil. I have a 1996 GMC pick up truck with a V6 I get 20 mile per gal in the city and 24 hwy. I have 200,000 mile on this engine still runs as good as the day I drove it home from the dealership.My custoner tell me that they only get 16 to 20 with the same vehical. So you can see the saving is real.

    BTW it gone up lately which to me does not make since. Since it is not made from Crude oil. Talk about taking advandge of us the consummer. Why raise the price of Synthetic? because we can. Ha Ha

  6. An A.P. press release,last week, explained the dilema currently being experienced by investors. In it it outlined the lack of qualified technitions to maintain the actual aplliances of energy production. This multi-billion dollar industry is being tossed to the wayside by the mongars of war. The perpetuation of war is at the forefront of greedy manufactureres wanting to realize a quick and thrifty windfall of cash to fill thier coffers. War crimes should be quick to include those who prefer to profit , at the direct expense of those who pledge thier allegance-no matter how humble-as traitors to our nation with the death penalty fully enforceable and fully executeable. It's time to put those men subject to death,for thier dasterdly deeds,and to subject thier generations to disgrace ever forward.

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