
Does anybody know of yahoo/msn lottery corp at Sutton Greater London SM1 4te United Kingdom is it ligitimate?

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Does anybody know of yahoo/msn lottery corp at Sutton Greater London SM1 4te United Kingdom is it ligitimate?




  1. I got that email too and deleted it straight away.If you didn't enter a competition or a lottery then you can't win anything

  2. Just send me £10.00 and i'll give you the Answer

  3. It is scam. Yahoo (insert any company name here, this answer works for all!) do not run an email lottery, if they did you could guarantee it would be advertised all over their home page. Check out these links and search answers to see how many people 'win' the exact same lottery every day

    Do not click on any links, the page you will be taken to will look authentic but is not

    Do not send them a 'courier fee' or any other money

    Do not hand over any bank details or passwords

    Do report spam

    Do delete

    Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch. You cannot win a lottery if you haven ot bought a ticket. Anyone can set up an email account with Yahoo, they can use any combination of letters they choose. I could be '' or '' That doesn't mean that I am either of these and is fine as long as I don't try to use the address to mislead people. Don't be fooled by legitimate looking email addresses which end the same way as any other free account, don't be fooled by fictitious titles such as 'Dr' or 'Executive Director of Winner Claims'.

    (I've answered this question so many times that I now keep this answer on my desktop and just copy and paste....that should give you a clue!)

  4. no, definately not legit

  5. It's a scam. It's always a scam.

  6. more bloody scam get rid of it

  7. No. Yahoo do not operate a lottery. This is a scam. Here is some further information about these scam emails: Unscrupulous thieves have sent you this email and they are trying to part you from your hard earned cash. They will often ask you to call a premium rate number and keep you holding on whilst you rack up a huge phone bill. They are then paid a large proportion of this phone bill. They may ask you to divulge personal information about yourself or ask for your bank or credit card details. Do not divulge any such information under any circumstances. It is surprising how many innocent victims have been duped by these types of emails. Just remember the thieves who send them are very clever and extremely convincing. I suggest you delete the email and send it into cyberspace, hopefully along with the thieving scumbags who send them.

    Check out these sites for further information :

  8. Are these questions for real?

    Are there REALLY that many morons on Yahoo Answers who think there's a Yahoo Lottery? Is it REALLY that hard to type the phrase "Yahoo Lottery" into a search engine and hit the "Submit" button???

    I used to post debunking information to these questions. Then I just set up a web page with debunking information:

    Now, I no longer care.  If these people are too stupid to spend 10 seconds looking something up, then they DESERVE to get taken in by the Yahoo Lottery scam.  The people who fall for this scam are morons who can't do 10 seconds of research. No one really CARES about stopping this fraud. h**l, even Forest Gump would stop and think "But I didn't enter any Lottery, there's something Wrong here."
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