
Does anybody know ....................?

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if there is anything you can do when you have been on a sun bed and your face is red raw but your going out tonight is there any way of getting rid of it




  1. put a paper bagover her head.. only jokin..

    lots and lots of foundation !!

  2. After-sun will help also what I use is Nivea moisturizer or sudacrem.

    They'll help sooth it and bring down some redness, but they won't be able to get ride of the sun burnt skin completely.

    good luck [=

  3. Nope. Your skin is red because it's reactng to the uv rays.  You can't stop that or hurry it along.  It's very similar to when you get sun burn.  If it is sore try covering it in yoghurt to cool it down and remoisturise the skin.  You'll probably start to peel before long too.

  4. sudacrem

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