
Does anybody know the names of any good anime like bleach or itazura nakiss?

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Does anybody know the names of any good anime like bleach or itazura nakiss?




  1. Dragon Ball Z dude.also watch devil may cry it is 12 eps long but dude it is ******* awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. gintama...special a...shugo chara...blood +...vampire knight....full metal alchemist...inuyahsa...hayate the combat butler...inukami....kyou kara maou...lucky star....tsubasa chronicle...death note

  3. School rumble a high school romance/comedy probably my favorite in that genre

    Hayate no Gotoku! is of the same genre and focuses on a combat butler (lol, it sounds weird at first) and his employer who's a genius girl in high school romance/comedy (action but it's more comic relief xD)

    Seto No Hayome this one sounds extremely weird to the point i didn't see it at first but it's extremely good a boy meets a mermaid, but her parents are mermaid mafia and she rescues which according to the mermaid code if they're discovered they must marry the one who discovered them, but his father disapproves (they're in high school) comedy/romance (probably the funniest i've seen)

    Soul Eater is a more action/school but i guess you can consider it high school but it's very well animated and hard to explain xD

    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya as really good story too it's about a guy in high school meeting a really strange girl and them becoming friends/making a club and their crazy shenanigans from there

    KimiKiss Pure Rouge


    Itazura na Kiss

    Fruit Baskets

    Love Hina



    For that website type the anime name in the top right (The search bar is fairly small) and it'll give you a description

    If you need to know to where to get the animes any email me, have fun :)

  4. Watch this good anime

    Hope it helps

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