
Does anybody know the old remedy to help heal bruising more quicker?

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Does anybody know the old remedy to help heal bruising more quicker?




  1. arnica - either topically or in homeopathic form.

  2. Comfrey ointment or if you can get hold of fresh leaves a poultice (bruised leaves usually in cloth held to affected area) or Arnica ointment or tablets. i used arnica when i had my wisdom teeth out and had minimal swelling an bruising!

  3. vinegar and brown paper and i just answered your question on how to GET bruises. hahah

  4. B-12

  5. Are you already bruised.  Is it that nice blue purple color, Has it been more than 24 hours since the injury. Has there been no new bruising (which would show continued bleeding).

    If the answers are yes you can now use heat( warm compress not hot) and soft massage to help break up the clotting. Aspirin will also help.

    If the answer was no to any of the above apply mild pressure and cold for 20 minutes at a time, this keeps a new injury from internal bleeding and lessens a bruise.

  6. Arnica cream. Preferably with an Emu Oil for better absorption.

  7. I heard applying a cold spoon tp the area helps

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