
Does anybody know wal-mart's attendance policy?

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Does anybody know wal-mart's attendance policy?




  1. 3 days missed in a rolling six month period, you will giving a warning.

    at 4 days missed in again, six month period, coaching. If you have had zero coachings, it will be a 'verbal' .  However, if you had been coached for something (attendance or otherwise) it would go to the next level of coaching.  5, next level, etc.

    Up to 3 consecutive days out is considered 'one' day missed.  

    A tardy or leaving early is an incomplete shift.  Three of those equals an absence.  

    A no call no show is a an automatic coaching (minimum written, even if there are no coaching previous)   Three of those is a termination, whether they are consecutive or each a month apart.

  2. yeah, work when you're scheduled

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