
Does anybody know what Ireland is famous for?

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I just got a project to do a model and a power point on ireland, but i don't know what to do?




  1. Green stuff and leprechauns? Is that all other can come up with. I guess I should be insulted.

    Dublin has been voted the 4th best place in the world for book lovers the world over to visit, some famous Dubliners include Bram Stoker, Oscar Wilde, WB Yeats, James Joyce, Samuel Becket – I could go on. So why don’t you do a project on Irish writers.  If that’s too much then go for Irish musicians, or dance.  I’m sure Wikipeidia will help you out.

    Other things we’re famous for is food and drink, and there is more to it than just Guinness, Jameson or Baileys.

  2. Music.

    And for having an official Empire. Only about 4 million people can genuinely claim to have Irish nationality, but all over the world about 50 million people claim to be Irish somehow.

    Landscape - the Burren is one of two Karst landscapes in the world, the other is somewhere in Russia.

    The weather. It's schizo. By rights it should have the same temperatures as Canada, and the same cold weather in the wintertime, but it doesn't because it's smack bang in the middle of the Gulf Stream. There's a subtropical rain forest near Skibbereen.

    People are much closer to the land than in mainland Europe. Ireland is still very agricultural.  

  3. it used to be known as the land of saints and scholars. now its probably sinners and corruption and binge drinking.

  4. Potatoes.


    Green things.



  5. Unique culture



    Potato famine

    North/South divide



  6. Music, Dance, Alcohol,  history(pre-christian: Newgrange, the celts, the vikings. Modern: The land of saints and scholars, monestries etc, fight for independence), The Irish Emigrants,

    there's loads just think harder!

  7. leprechauns , The color green , Irish stew, they fought Britain for their Independence ,  

  8. For a small island we have certainly surpassed ourselves with historical figures, Dean Jonathan Swift, Wolfe Tone, Bram Stoker, (Mary Shelley?), The Kennedy's, Arthur Guinness, Oscar Wilde, Michael Collins, Eamon DeValera (although born in America), Maude Gonne, Constance Gore Booth, ? Ferguson (who invented the tractor), Count John McCormack to name but a few.  Actors, singers, movie directors, politicians (good and not so good), inventors, doctors, soldiers.

  9. Here is your answer from a proud duine Éireannach!! -

    1)  Saints and Scholers

    2)  St. Patrick

    3)  Great Famine

    4)  Emigration

    5)  Drink

    6)  Pubs

    7)  Literary

    8)  friendly atmosphere and friendly people (voted no1 place in world

                                                                   for friendly people in lonely

                                                                      planet bluelist)

    9)  Celtic Tiger

    10) Troubles in North, and now peace

    I hope that helps you

  10. Yep this is the land of Saints And Scholars.Famed for our literary geniuses,our breathtaking landscapes,our unrivalled hospitality,our side-splitting comics,our legendary generosity,our lightning wit,our hard working, hard playing live life to the full philosophy.Wouldn't live anywhere else.:)

  11. blarney stone, or drinking lol

    that link will help you i think.

  12.              Kicking English invaders arses!.

  13. On top of everything Orla and Christine have said (even though I feel slightly insulted being grouped with Irish Americans as not one of the 4 million people who are truly Irish, (I'm guessing you're only including people from the Republic?)

    I would include hospitality.  The main reason we are so loved around the world.

    World class golf courses,

    The Celtic Tiger economy (even though we stole the term from the Asia Tigers) which saw Ireland go from the bottom to the top of the EU league tables.  

    Corrupt politicians and back handers.  Questions have been raise of the past 3 Finna Fail Taoiseachs (Albert Reynolds, Bertie Ahern and of course the Island buying king of corruption who told us to tighten our belts while loosening his own,  Charles J. Haughey)

    And of course the Troubles in the North.  Although many people in the Republic like to distance themselves from the North It has played a huge part in the construction of Modern Ireland.  If you asked people around the world what do they associate with Ireland The troubles would probably be top of the list.

    I might be Northern Irish and I might recognise that as Northern Ireland and the Republic are different entities however I'm just as proud of my Irish passport as anyone else in Ireland just as I feel I have a genuine right tto claim Irish Nationality.  Different but equal and all that.

    Anyway sorry for the mini rant.  If it's for a Power point presentation I'd pick either Irish Literature, the Troubles or The Celtic Tiger.

  14. okay theres loads

    wb yeats famous poet seamus heany nobel winner and poet

    war of independance

    legends fionn and the finna tir na og ect

    irish gaeltheact



    cliffs of moher giants causeway

    st patrick


    irish dancing

    irish neutrailty

    irish links with america

    food drink

    irish film music  loads of stuff!!

  15. Green lush landscape

    Friendly people

    Traditional Irish food and music


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