
Does anybody know what jobs start hiring at age 15?

by Guest61957  |  earlier

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I need to know what jobs hire at age 15 in Irving, Texas.




  1. The World of Young Workers

    Ages 14 and 15

    They can be employed in office and clerical work, including operating office machines, but only operating such power-driven machines, not repairing, oiling, adjusting or assisting on such activities. They can cashier, sell, model, produce art work and work in advertising departments, window trimming and comparative shopping. They can also price, mark, and tag, by machine or by hand, as well as assemble, order, pack and shelve.

    They can also bag and carry out customers' orders. They can do errand and delivery work by foot, bicycle or public transportation. Clearly, errand and delivery work by motor vehicle would not be permitted. They can perform clean-up work and grounds maintenance and use a vacuum cleaner or floor waxer in their duties, but not a power-driven mower or cutter. This last prohibition on operating lawn and other types of mowers and hedge and other types of grounds maintenance cutters frequently arises in municipal youth employment program placements. The rule is clear. Under federal law, this equipment cannot be used lawfully until the worker is 16 years old, and only in connection with employment at a retail, food service, or gasoline service establishment. Also, some states restrict the use of power mowers and cutters even further, not permitting their use by youngsters until they turn 18.

    Further reading here:

    Hope this helps to clarify this topic.  Keep in mind, as this article says, laws vary slightly sometimes from state to state.

  2. McDonalds, an ice cream stand

  3. restaurants

  4. you should try some websites..

    thats all i know of right now..

    hope it helps

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