
Does anybody know what the pay differential between first and second shift is?

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Does anybody know what the pay differential between first and second shift is?




  1. Differential pay is "not" mandatory, it is an incentive an employer offers to retain workers.

    A wage over minimum wage is "voluntairy" from every employer. Benefits such as Medical insurance is "voluntairy" from every employer.  

    It is mandatory that all employers are required to match your Social Security and Medicare payments to the Federal Government and pay for State Workmen's Compensation and Unemployment Benefits for the employee.

    Employee's should be aware that for example: an $8.00 per hour wage costs their employer approximately $13.00 per hour (depending on their worker's compensation classification and unemployemnt ratio).  

    Many employers voluntairly pay well above minimum wage.

  2. it depends on the company. Some companies have no differential.

  3. This depends on each company, and if there is a Union involved these things are contractually negotiated.

    Generally, 25 cents for 2nd shift and .50 for Third shift in most places but it can vary.

    2nd shift 3-11 or 12 and  3rd shift 11-12 midnight until 7 or 8 AM.

  4. Depends on the employer...........

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