
Does anybody know where I can play snooker here in the U.S? I live in Las vegas but am will to travel.?

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I played in Brussel Belgium but never got comfortable with the rules, I only had time for 1 game, so I want to learn the game intinctively.




  1. Yes......

    the web site below proclaims they have snooker tables in Las


    follow the link and you should being playing in no time!

    The Las Vegas Cue Club


    953 E Sahara Ave Ste A15

    Las Vegas, NV


    Phone: (702) 735-2884

    The rules are not that difficult

    You break defensively

    Then you pot a red and if successful you pot a colored ball

    The colored balls have a point count of 1-7 the black is 7, pink by center pockets is 6 I think and so on

    Any red is worth one point.....when finished a round red and colored and a miss you add up your points and add it to you score

    If you foul when shooting you lose all points accumulated in that run

    When your opponent misses or fouls you come up and must pot a red first....any colored ball potted is brought back up AO and put on its spot...

    I forget when (I think if you just foul and make nothing your opponent gets 4-7 points.....if you foul on a red or a colored 1-4 he gets 4 points..if you foul on a 5-7 he gets the points equal to the point of the colored ball, check this out I might be incorrect!)

    Once all the reds are potted you shoot from the 7 down to the one.

    Total all points and player with highest points wins

    The trick is find a real snooker table.. Where I live they have sudo Snooker tables with pool table pockets. I've played on tables in palaces in India that were 6x12' I believe and they had cues to be used with bridge that we about 8' long. Very tough game......a good snooker player is a master and a delight to watch...the pockets are small and rounded (forget about running a ball down the rail over 1-2 feet it will not go).

    Good luck

    I am certain you can find authentic snooker tables in Las Vegas!

    master Quark

  2. Easy go to Tulsa OK and tel David Matlock that you play snooker and you are sure to get a game.  Most every pool hall there will know how to get a hold of him.

  3. many places in Chicago, bring some money.

  4. You cant find a game in Lost Wages??

    What are you looking for ?? Money,Tourns,Good playersOr I guess all the above

                                                        Later Johnny

    Eddie must have moved

    Ok if you want instruction first try the BCA website They have info on all cue sports If you are already a player and just need the rules they have that also

    I dont play much serious snooker so I wont pick one over another

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