
Does anybody know where I can see what a real Model Release form looks like???

by  |  earlier

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Also, how do I put it in writing that my model agrees and understands that she will not be getting paid for the photo shoot or making any money off of the finished product?




  1. I use them all the time ... I have four basic ones.  Two classes, one for adults (18 and over) and one for minors (17 and under)

    Then I have two basic types ... TFP and commercial.  Each were written by an entertainment attorney.

    If you are curious, you can log onto ASMP's site and they have model and property release samples there.  I didn't mention property releases did I ... I don't use them.  When I am shooting in a situation where one is needed the client usually has one they prefer, so I go with it.

  2. This is a TFCD model Release

    and a very simple release for a paid model there are many other forms of this some much more complicated

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