
Does anybody know where I can take fish we no longer want?

by  |  earlier

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We have a Large Yellow Belly and a Medium Barramundi in an 8ft tank that we have decided to sell as we longer have room for it. I have rang all the Pet shop and Aquarium places in the area and no one wants them. Where can I take them? I dont obviously want to hurt them I want them to go to good homes but I have no idea what to do with them.

I am in Brisbane Australia.

And no BBQ jokes please I have heard them all :)




  1. river

  2. one time, my brother flushed his fish down the toilet when he didn't want them anymore. no idea if they lived, but it got rid of them...

  3. geez! so many mean ppl! best thing is, newspaper ad or give it to a friend..

  4. you could advertise in a super market we have little cards in nz to put up in newworld which is a supermarket and other people will probaly want your fish

  5. How about putting an ad in the local paper? Or asking local schools if they want them. :]

  6. Ask your local pet shelters if anyone has come through asking about exotic pets, also if there are any grooming places ask there and post a flyer saying what you have

  7. Ask your local pet shop with what to do with them, they'll probs know what to do. Or you could sell the whole set including the fish......that's what my cousin did.

  8. fry um up

  9. Hi

    Why don't you try the Brisbane Fisheries Department, they may know or call Mt Cootha Botanic Gardens, places where weddings are held  and alike. Try cemetery/crematorium businesses also.

    It would seem a shame to just let them die. Please freeze them if you must go down this track though and then bury them in your garden.



  10. Put a shrimp on the Bar----Damnit!

    Eh, just flush 'em and make him go to fish heaven.

  11. try the trading post.  or in your paper [Herald Sun, the Age]

    Good luck!

  12. To the toilet.

  13. Try

    You can create an ad, for free. weither you're selling them or just trying to give them away another thing is you can put an ad in the paper to see if anyone wants to take them off your hands.

  14. Run an ad in the local newspaper or online etc....a lot of people would love an already set up aquarium. If you haven't tried any local fish stores I would because they will usually take them off your hands. If these don't work for you call the local shelter...most will take an aquarium. Or you could try donating to a business so they could use it as a display (I don't really know if this would work but you could try)

  15. Maybe a friend could take them? Do you have an animal rescue shelter around, I don't know if they'd take fish but they could know somewhere that would.

    You could also try advertising them in the Trading Post and make some money out of it :)

    Good Luck and please don't just toilet them.

  16. wow..are people retarded?

    Good luck flushing a BARRAMUNDI down a toilet.

  17. the toilet

  18. i would say go to your local market get councils permission and sell them to a buyer that looks wealthy and could look after them.

    or the person could put it on the barbie feed the australian army with it.

  19. I lmaoed when I read whit's answer... I was just going to post that, but he beat me to it!

  20. sell them on e-bay ive looked at some of the live fish auctions on there and you can also get some good $$ for them

    good luck finding them new homes!

  21. Try a local pet store.  Not a chain store like petsmart or petco.. but something local may take them off your hands.  Or you can try running an ad in a local newspaper and seeing if anyone is intersted.

  22. C'mon cook them!!! jijiji I'm sorry :D

  23. This is easy. Sell the tank, with the complete setup, including fish.

    That's what most people do.

  24. How much are you asking??

    I live in Brisbane and would take them off your hands (and not to cook them either)

    Is the barra in freshwater or salt?

  25. Maybe you should put an ad in the paper. :3 Well. o-o I sound stupid but do you guys have newspapers? XD Wow that was dumb. And maybe ask your friends and people you know if they want them. ^^

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