
Does anybody know where i can find a boxers diet programme on the internet; ive tried google and other search?

by  |  earlier

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engines to find one, but i cant actually find a 7 day programme.. does anybody have a link to one that i can print out?





  1. High carbs, medium protein, also good fats, ratio of 70-75% carbs,15-20% protein and 10-15% fat, carbs before training(no large amounts of protein say up to 5 hours before training or comp, will slow you down) get your protein and carbs after training for recovery, also good fat source (olive oil, monounsaturated fats) will help with keeping testosterone levels high, take a multivitamin drink lots of water and look into relevant supplementation ( I use maximuscle viper, pro recover and p.s ) hope this helps!!!

  2. When in training consume allot of protein. Protein is the staple of a boxers diet when training. A little secret some fighters use is when eating a steak some fighters chew it up to get all the protein out of it then spit out the bulk. But there are so many protein shakes now and scientific diet its probably fairly unnecessary. A boxers diet isn't much different from any other athlete or physically fit person.

    Like anything else is boxing it takes time and training to understand what your body responds to negatively and positively, listen to your body for advice on what to feed it.

  3. egg whites (once and a while a little yolk is ok), lettuce, water, banannas, Soy milk, chicken, veggies, steak (but dont eat to much red meat), Fish, Whole grain cerial and bread (no white bread)

    carbs every few days only during the day such as breads and pastas. no carbs at night.

    do not eat anything except cerial or fruit or veggies after 5:30 pm. Try to snack on fruit every few hours or so.

    This is pretty strict but its a basic idea of what a lot of fighters eat like especially if training for a fight.

  4. go to for information on nutrition and fitness

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