
Does anybody know where i can find...?

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i am looking for a quinceanera poem so that i can put on my invitations. and in ENGLISH please!

thanks guys♥




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    Lillypop07-03-2003, 10:02 PM

    She watches all around her,

    sparkeling lacy dresses.

    They taunt her in her dreams

    and cause tearful questions.

    Why am I not light enough?

    My hair not long enough?

    ¿por qué lastima tan malo?

    Her dress is picked out,

    her chambelan too.

    pero no sucederá así

    que estas cosas son inútiles.

    Her mami is struggling

    y ella no tiene un papi.

    No body is there to stop

    her quiet crying.

    ella desea para su Quinceanera

    for her court of fourteen,

    for her elaborate hall,

    and her crown like a queen's.

    She wishes for her Quinceanera

    para sus capias,

    para el bailar y sonrisas

    para su celebración

    for her presentation to Selena.

    All around her,

    friends' Quinceaneras.

    " Girl stand in mine",

    " Am I gon' be in yours ?"

    So she puts on a facade

    and cries behind doors.

    Her mother tells her,

    " Viva con él, mami,

    las cosas serán mejores".

    " We live in the black

    community mami, they don't

    see it as an honor"

    " no parecemos mejicanos 'tho' mami"

    So she puts on a facade,

    and cries in her bed.

    Promising to her self that

    each and every last one of her

    daughters will have their Quinceaneras

    and their Sun dances, if she's rich, too.

    But the pain stikes her with every

    tuxedo she sees, and every Cumbia

    she dances, with every picture she

    looks at of her friends', and every Quinceanera

    she attends.

    The following links and sites will give a wide variety of quinceanera :

    Poems at the Poetry Free-for-all - Quinceanera26 Mar 2004 ... ella desea para su Quinceanera for her court of fourteen, ... could be me totally misunderstanding the poem what exactly is a Quinceanera? ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

    Poems at the Poetry Free-for-all - QuinceaneraQuinceanera ( ... this could be me totally misunderstanding the poem what exactly is a Quinceanera? ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

    More results from »

    Quinceanera Speeches, Poems, Prayers, Toasts, IdeasDo you need Quinceanera speeches. We have speeches, poems, prayers, toasts and many more ideas. - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

    Quinceanera - Speech/ Poem10 Jul 2008 ... I have sent the speeches and poems that I put together for my niece to several people who posted a need for one. ... - 67k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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