
Does anybody know where to find bike rack laws? like if your bike gets stolen off one? or where to find info?

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i got my bike stolen today and everywhere i look i can not find any laws on bike racks. i can not find if the business that the bike rack is attached to is responsible in some way for my stolen bike or how to go about filing a report and what good would that do? i also can not find any previous stolen bike cases (do any exist?). i wanna know if i can be compensated by the city or whomever the bike rack belongs to for my lose. i understand that a bike rack is a "commodity" that business usually provide or the city but so is a toilet and if it explodes with me on it someone is responsible no? should there not be a sign that says "leave at own risk" if the business is not responsible? i need to find answers to such questions. please help




  1. Bummer man.....sorry.  

    If it was a city-owned bike rack, then you can't pursue any compensation from them.   Nearly all cities and states have laws on the books protecting them from legal or compensatory liability.  Some states have a cap on damages rather than immunity....this wouldn't apply to a stolen bike, however.  

    If it was a privately-owned rack on private property, then you may ask the owner if their insurance will cover it, but don't expect them to go out of their way to help you out.  

    Regardless, the burden is on you to show proof that you actually owned the bike, attached it to the rack, and locked it properly to avoid casual theft.   Sorry man, sucks, but that's how it is and it's just a part of life.   There isn't much to protect or help victims of theft most of the time.

    One thing you can do is report it to the police...slim chances that you'll get it back, but it does happen sometimes and at least you put the crime on the books...that may do some good.   Also, call all of the bike shops in the area...possibly some pawn shops, too.  If you can send them a pic of the bike and your information, you may luck out someday if the bike shows up there for service or to be sold.  If you have cycling clubs with online message forums, post your story on those, too.  

    Good luck with it, I hope you can get your bike back or a new one somehow!

  2. I think you're out of luck. Did you even have your bike locked with a good U-lock? The lock manufacturer may have a guarantee.

    I'm sure that's not the answer you wanted to hear but that's how it is.

    I don't mean to come off as unsympathetic. When I was way younger I had a lemon yellow Schwinn P-13 Paramount stolen that was less than a month old. Fortunately I had insurance that covered it.

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