
Does anybody know which famous artist bought paint instead of food?

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I've been looking all over the internet, trying to find out which famous artist bought paint instead of food. I believe it was either Michelangelo, Da Vinci, or Van Gogh.




  1. Vincent Van Gogh

  2. Lots of them. Many artists worked in  poverty. One day they'd buy paint or materials - the next day some food.

    It goes with the job  -  you have to paint first - and build up a collection of works  -  and maybe you might sell one or two 5 years down the line.............. if you are lucky

  3. Ha ha. Me, most of the time. Why am I fat again?

  4. Me in my younger days, but then I was never famous.

    (Van Gogh)

  5. Yeah, Van Gogh.  He was a Catholic priest before he was an artist so he probably was into asceticism.  He had to beg money from his brother Theo for paint and supplies.  I'm SURE there were others...MANY others. Gaugain deserted his family and went to live in Tahiti and painted and lived in a hut and ate whatever he could find. The term "Starving Artist" was not invented for nothing.  Most artists and even highly skilled craftsmen who make things like musical instruments, furniture, glass objects. wrought iron, pottery, etc. have to accept VERY meagre lifestyles so that they can do what they love and still survive...I mean just SURVIVE.  I do portraits in oil on stretched canvas because the power of the human ego and peoples' desire for some sort of "immortality" (oil paintings lasts a LOT longer than photographs on PAPER) is a sure sell if you are even pretty good.  You can live doing portraits and that is about IT unless you go into graphic arts or interior decorating or stumble onto a kick a$$ agent who will promote you among the "art opening wine and cheese set" one said that life was fair...

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