
Does anybody know who the Royal family member is in the blackmail scandal?

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Does anybody know who the Royal family member is in the blackmail scandal?




  1. It is a minor one so who cares

    They all have some thing to hide so depends on what scandal you want.

  2. noone knows its all speculation...wish I

  3. I reckon it's Lord Freddie Windsor, the Queens cousin. He's about 29 and is a coke and crack addict.

    I used to see him when he went to Oxford, as I was there the same time. He was always the most wrecked at the party, you would see him gurning away and chatting b*ll*x. He often looked like he never spent any money on clothes and food, just spent it all on crack and coke.

    He was sick when I last saw him and that was when he was about 23, I'm sure he's now a dark dark dark crackhead.

    Only wish I'd thought of filming him at parties.

  4. no and i don,t care

  5. American TV has named him go to according to them  it's NOT Freddie I won't say who it is but they have revealed his identity in American...he's NOT as minor as Freddie (he's married with children).

  6. Another scandal!!!

    Just another reason to get rid of the Royal family.

  7. Prince Phillip. I am his dealer and his harlot all rolled in to one, but shhhhhhhhhhh....

  8. Yes. The blackmailers and the police.



    I very much doubt it's someone who's openly g*y. Why would you try to blackmail someone who's openly g*y and is known to use drugs. Doesn't make sense.



    If it does turn out to be Viscount Linley as has been alleged on sites elsewhere then I stand perfectly vindicated.

  9. Charlie lol

  10. apparently it is vis**unt l*nl*y - poor old queen's nephew, wasn't he son of M*rg*ret?  Genes and lack of nuture what can you do?

    Pity his wife and kids, not him, he deserves all he gets in my opinion...

  11. Lord Frederick Windsor, son of the Windsor Family black sheep Prince and Princess Michael of Kent. He has admitted to cocaine abuse in the past, 1999, and is openly homosexual. He's a board member of the g*y social club Sweet Suite, in Soho, London

    Sorry to disappoint, but he is a "minor" royal, so there is much ado about nothing

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