
Does anybody know why Romania has been banned from veoh?

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I don't know why, but I'm not allowed on veoh anymore.




  1. No idea - sorry

  2. Veoh is blocking countries that doesn't have a lot of Veoh users, or so they say. They want to focus on "concentrated markets". Really flimpsy reason that makes little sense

    This is horrible! There are people waking up to a Ban and all their personal videos gone.

    When posting this the list of banned countries are as follows:

    1 Brazil

    2 Jamaica

    3 Chile

    4 Puerto Rico (been unblocked now I think)

    5 Indonesia

    6 Guadeloupe

    7 Malaysia

    8 Venezuela

    9 Guatemala

    10 Luxembourg

    11 Costa Rica

    12 El Salvador

    13 Panama

    14 Dominican Republic

    15 Saudi Arabia

    16 Argentina

    17 Cayman Islands

    18 Slovenia

    19 Hungary

    20 Guam

    21 Colombia

    22 Chile

    23 Romania

    24 Cyprus

    25 UAE

    26 Latvia

    27 Antigua & Barbuda

    28 Malta

    29 Trinidad & Tobago

    30 Lithuania

    31 Peru

    32 Turkey

    33 Czech Republic

    34 Croatia

    35 Bulgaria

    36 Tanzania

    37 Serbia

    38 Egypt

    39 Mauritius

    40 Morocco

    41 Iran

    42 Iceland

    43 Jordan

    44 Bermuda

    45 Thailand

    46 Sri Lanka

    47 Brunei

    48 Vietnam

    49 Barbados

    50 Guyana

    51 Virgin Island

    52 Kuwait

    53 Algeria

    54 Bahrain

    55 Lebanon

    56 Qatar

    57 Tunisia

    58 Syria

    The most suggested way to access Veoh for those who have been blocked seems to be Vidalia. People are saying that it works.

    Guide -

    Sorry that this is happening. If I still lived in my home country, I'd be in the same boat.



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