
Does anybody know why the tunisian authorities have blocked facebook in tunisia?

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And i think that you are stupid mola! you obviously are a very racist person. HOW DARE YOU launch an attack on a whole nation. Tunisians are not stupid and neither is their government. There is peace in this nation which is more than could be said for most arab countries. So, back off and keep your stupid thoughts to yourself because you have no idea what you are talking about!!




  1. hi everybody!

    it 's been over a week now that i could not open my facebook account, i didnt know why it was blocked and all, thought it was my stupid connection, innocent me, then i found out that it was some political actions on facebook that made the tunisian government block it, sama scenario for blocking youtube. i have no comment on that, but i think that blocking stuff like that is stupid, you have to look for the source and not the means if you know what i mean.

  2. I had no idea Facebook had been blocked in Tunisia. There was talk of its getting blocked here in Egypt too, after it was used to organize the student riots against Mubarak last May, but that hasn’t happened yet. Just like Youtube getting blocked in Pakistan. What lovely countries we live in Buttercup. (-:

  3. Facebook was blocked because people were creating groups that spoke out against political injustice. These groups were also organizing actions of protests, the government found out about it, and decided to block it.

    Whether the block is permanent or not remains to be seen, but judging on past block the government has imposed (Dailymotion, YouTube), the block will be permanent.


    If you are looking for another social networking site to use, may I suggest Multiply. It is by far the best one I have seen or used. It allows you to design your page the way you want, you can post blogs, share pictures, videos, music, recipes, links, save your calendar there, post reviews to different things, and send private messages (like Instant messages) to anyone. All messages are in real time, you can see who visited your site, and you control who can see what.

  4. The Tunisian government is strict about political issues and what people are talking about it. Very restricting

  5. because of some political groups in Facebook who were hostile to the tunisian governement.

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