
Does anybody knows free web site that helps to teach a kid how to read?

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Does anybody knows free web site that helps to teach a kid how to read?




  1. I feel  it is the responsibility of a 'person' to teach a child to read from start to finish.  Reading is a two way street that involves communication, gestures, facial expressions, voice changing etc.....

  2. u just go yahoo kids then type on the subject u want then alist of them will comes out.or type starfall,nickjr,joo sticks,Resourses for parents ,kids best webside

  3. I have to agree with everyone who said I teach PK and we use starfall as a center in our classroom, the kids enjoy it and it is all letter learning. It is leveled so as he progresses he can move on to new things.

    I also have a readinga-z membership. The membership is only like $20 and you can print off hundreds of leveled readers, worksheets, assessments, etc.

    Good Luck!

  4. Hi..The other person is right about  My son started this in is fun and teaches you the sounds of the letters..he really enjoyed this and he also learned the computer at the same time!  Also, if he is cschool age, you can ask for a resource class and have him pulled out for reading a couple of  times a week.  This way, he will receive 1 on 1 help...

  5. if there's one then LEAP FROG wont be able to sell the products anymore. Get one for your child.

  6. How old is the kid?

    My son taught himself to read when he was four because he realized that you had to be able to read to play what he considered to be the cool video games.

    But we read together all the time -- all the time.  I used a lot of books with repetitive sounds and words, like Dr. Seuss, the Biscuit books, etc., and I would assign him a word to "read" whenever we came to it.  We went over the alphabet a billion times and played Reader Rabbit on the computer for millions of hours.  It seemed like one day he could just read on his own . . .

    Try  There are links to most of their programming, with simple flash games that emphasize the skills needed for reading, like pattern recognition, etc.

  7. Im using its free and we've been using it for two months and she already starting to read.


    This is a wonderful site to first learn the ABC's then up to reading books. My daughter got so much info out of it.

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