
Does anybody knows if privately picking up plastic bottles from the household's recycling bin against the law?

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Thursday is garbage day in Scarborough and I was wondering if it is against the law to go house by house and start picking up plastic bottles from people's recycling bin




  1. In most areas, it is technically considered "Stealing from the Garbage Company", however it's usually not a huge priority for the cops to deal with, unless they happen to get complaints from private citizens who have a problem with what you're doing, for whatever reason!

    I was doing it once and the cops saw me. It was late at night in a nice neighborhood (which are the best to go to because they always have a lot of decent or valuable stuff in their containers) and that time he just gave me a warning not to do it any more. Noone had even complained that time.

    Then another time, I was doing it about a block away, and I'm always very respectful, quiet and clean about it, but it was late at night and I guess some older gentleman had seen me removing cans from the bins at around 11pm on garbage night. Suddenly, I saw a spotlight going back and forth from side to side coming right towards me. I knew it was the cops, so I ducked down next to a car and let him go bye. He kept on going, so I decided to cut out while I could. I went and grabbed my bags, one I left a ways back because it was full and the other I had with me. So I grabbed the full one too and suddenly, the gentleman yelled, "Hey you! put that back!" so I tried to explain that I'm just trying to survive and get by anyway I can. And he had his phone in his hand calling 911 again as he yelled at me about being a crook!

    That was the last time I ever did it, although I always pick up things I see on the ground.

  2. yes

    you will be arrested for theft.

    because the bins belong to the garbage company.

    and once they are put at the curb the contents become property of the garbage company

    but since the garbage company in Scarborough NY is controlled by the mafia and they sell the plastic for the profit.

    they will likely just fit you for concrete overshoes

  3. our recycler pays our town to pick up our cans and bottles.

    it does that because it can recover the deposit.

    if you take the cans and bottles, you're taking away from their profit.

    so yes, it is illegal, and there is a good reason for it.


  4. Not in NYC - there are any number of people who count on the collection of redeemable plastic and glass bottles, as well as aluminum cans, to have money in their pockets and/or make ends meet -- Most often poor families, the disabled or the homeless.   (At $0.05 per - that's tough work)

    There is an awful amount of waste.

    (Be thankful Mikal "Man")

  5. It  differs from area to area.  Here in California, once the trash is out it is considered city property so if someone wants to pick through it, it is technically breaking the law.  I have seen it enforced very rarely though.  Most of the times if people collect quietly, no one cares.   It is the rummagers that make a  lot of noise and scatter the trash all over the place that they are trying to prevent.  Check with your local  PD or city hall to make sure. It may or may  not be a problem.

  6. It would be better to make a flyer that you would like to collect their------ whatever you are interested in------ and leave your phone number so they can collect them for you to come pick up.

  7. In most places trash placed on the public right of way is considered abandoned property and is fair game for anyone that wants to take it.  I would suspect that materials placed in the recycling bin fall into the same category.

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