
Does anybody name their child a name that isn't their own nationality?

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For example, does an Asian couple name their son Dimitri?

Do a white couple name their daughter Katarzyna?




  1. All people do it, its your choice.

  2. My parents did. I'm Asian, they named me Carmen. My sister was named Karen.

  3. do you mean a white American couple. People of diffrent ethnic  groups live everywhere. An african American girl

    next door name is sara her mom name is lilly is that weird to you? My freind from japans name is David is that odd to you?

  4. ok..heres a personal story..

    my boyfriend who is american [like seriously redneck] white as can be..

    and his name is

    Deontay Andre Micheal

    so yes. but he was the first person i met that his name didn't match his nationality.


    if you're picking around for a name go for what you think fits for yourself =D

  5. Some people do, yes.  

    And another thing that is particularly common is to not just use a name of a different ethnicity, but will name their children common nouns in another language.  But because its in another language, its cool.

    I know several people who have names that would be stereotyped as of a different ethnicity.

    Or, Like...  Anybody remember Punky Brewster?  Her name is Soleil Moon Frye.  Soliel means sun in French, which ofcourse goes with her middle name, but...

    Or like, my name is a shade of blue in a different language ( I was actually named after my grandmother, not a color, but)

  6. I am white and my name is Greek.  Actually, if you want to get right down to it, I am 1/2 Irish, German, Norwegian and Croatian.  My kids are all of this plus Italian and French.  Should they have names that are a combo of ALL of those nationalities??

  7. My first daughter was named Aaliyah, and my sexond is called Medea (Greek).

    If i have any more children, a girl, probably Eolande, boys, Micah, Weylan, or Harry.

    Names are important to a person. I chose all the names that I like with great care, and then see what they look like lol.

  8. You should name your child whatever you want to name him or her. And yes, people name their child different from there nationality.

  9. All the time. My girlfriend named her daughter a Dutch name. As a child I was called a Swedish name and I am Australian. Asian people typically name their children old-fashioned English names as well as their Asian name, and sometimes just that name anyway. Eg Kelvin, Edward, Sarah, etc.

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