
Does anybody oppose the ACLU(American Civil Liberties Union)?

by Guest57481  |  earlier

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Do you oppose the ACLU? If so why?




  1. I oppose the ACLU because the ACLU is not really about Civil Liberties.  If you want to support civil liberties you must first support civility.  This means you must believe in being civilized.  In the state of Washington, the Kent School District was sued by the ACLU on behalf of a child who was mistreated by a school security guard.  The plaintiff won millions of dollars which in turn did more damage to the 15,000 children in that school district, than the damage done to that one child.  Civility would have promoted a suit that would have punished the security guard and the district without doing any harm to the other children who saw school programs cut in order to satisfy this judgment.   The ACLU is nothing more than a liberal law suit machine dedicated to nothing concerning true civil liberty.

  2. I stole straight from Steelmill, hope you don't mind, but I couldn't have said it better. The ACLU are killing us                                                                                                                                                                                                                

    Yes, I oppose them for many reason, including their anti-Christian court crusades, and the fact that they have tried to block the Boy Scouts from using public parks for their events simply because they have the word God in their pledge, and the fact that they don't allow g*y leaders. They have consistently fought for the religious and political rights of children/teenagers in public schools who are non-Christian, but they have consistently fought against the rights of Christian students.

    (I know that I will probably get a lot of thumbs down for this, but I really don't care).

  3. they say they are for USA -you have to read between the lines ,they want to weaken the USA .read some of their challenges and you will learn the truth.

  4. Does anyone not ? They should all be shot

  5. No.  I support the ACLU.  I don't agree with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton running in and protesting every far out cause in the name of the ACLU.

    Who could possibly be against the principles of civil liberty in America?

  6. Yes.

  7. The ACLU is a great idea gone bad.  If you have an issue and you think that your civil liberties have been violated, you present the issue to them, and if it is part of their current agenda they will consider taking the case, but only if you can support their current agenda.  What this means in reality is that is you are some kind of deviant who is absolutely amoral, and you happen to be of some other race than white, they might consider taking your case.  If however you are poor, white, and have an issue that just violates the civil rights of you and others like you, and is not particularly grotesque, especially if you are also christian, then you have NO chance to get your civil rights defended. In essence, you don't have any, because the ACLU is usually the last resort of people who have been badly used by this society, and they won't even talk to you.

    I know this because I have two friends who desperately needed their help, and they couldn't even get them to call them back.

  8. Yes, I oppose them.  They are one of the biggest threats to traditional American values.  They really need to get the h**l out of the USA.

  9. I strongly support them.

  10. I am all for civil liberties.  I'm not all for a bunch of lawyers getting together and giving themselves a nice acronym as a means to take on more cases and make more money.  I'm not at all for most of the supposed "issues" the ACLU takes on.  Its a lot like communism in my book.  In theory its a great idea, but in practice, human nature takes over and greed and power become the goals instead of what's best for the populous.

  11. The ACLU is not for civil liberties.  They are for making all of us live in the manner that they want us to.

  12. Yes, I oppose them for many reason, including their anti-Christian court crusades, and the fact that they have tried to block the Boy Scouts from using public parks for their events simply because they have the word God in their pledge, and the fact that they don't allow g*y leaders. They have consistently fought for the religious and political rights of children/teenagers in public schools who are non-Christian, but they have consistently fought against the rights of Christian students.

    (I know that I will probably get a lot of thumbs down for this, but I really don't care)

  13. What they stand for of course not. People like sharpton and jackson screaming that any crime against a minority is ahate crime yes.

  14. Conservatives oppose it and most of them don't even know why.

    Rush told them to.

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