
Does anybody out there believe that Michael Phelps is sending the wrong message,that he loves fast food?

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Obesity levels in young adults is up 35% .These kids don't burn off calories swimming like he does...He needs to cool it with all that talk of high calories ,it may be good for him ,,but many kids will try to emualte him and eating like he does is not healthy for our already overweight kids..

Samurai Summer Reality show coming soon..A place where kids learn about living healthy thru body ,mind,and spirit!




  1. i love the answers here and i agree with all of them.

  2. We do you want him to lie and say he doesn't like fast food? I mean seriously he excersizes so much in one day he can eat pretty much whatever he would like to. Its not like hes doing commercials for McDonalds or anything. Lighten up. Its not his fault or fastfood joint's fault people are obese. Its their own fault that they eat fast food as much as they do.  

  3. The problem is not with phelps liking fast food, but with poor eating habits of fat kids. I swim and I can eat what I want, as much as i want, when i want. Have a fat kid swim for a year and they'll get in shape in no time

  4. No. It's the parent's responsibility to feed the kids.

  5. Don't we all love fast food?  We do latch on to others to blame our problems on, don't we?

  6. I think the message is that if you work out for  a few hours every day, you can eat what you want.

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