
Does anybody out there experience rendering smells?If so what have you done about it?

by Guest57359  |  earlier

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We live 2 kms from a plant in NZ and the smells are disgusting and the councils will not listen to our community.




  1. Yep, moved from the left coast to Midwest.

  2. Most countries have laws against noxious fumes, especially when they impinge on people's enjoyment of their own property.  I am afraid the only way to know for sure is consult a lawyer ... and not a local one, a real one whose expertise is Environmental Law in NZ.

  3. Rendering does produce terrible odors. The plant can do some things to reduce the odors and you should encourage them to consider installing some engineering controls.  

    You also need to get the attention of your local politicians.  In America, they respond to issues that have the public's attention or are of interest to lots of voters.  So, at the same time you are talking to the rendering company, start a petition calling for controls at the rendering plant.  Present the petition to your council and make sure the local media is there to get the story into the news.  If the council refuses to address concerns, consider putting up a candidate of your own during the next election.  

    Often, just the stink that you raise is enough to lower the stink of the rendering company.  The more attention the problem gets, the more likely that politicians and companies are  willing to do something positive for you.  

    Always be polite.

    Best Wishes!

  4. The stench of human sludge is worse.  It is now considered to be big business & the large cities in California have forced the smaller farming communites to accept their sludge even after the town's people voted against it.  The high powered lawyers from the ACLU clan are behind this because they say it is "essential" for the large cities to have a place to put this "safe" product.  They spread it out on the farmland to dry, then plow it under & plant new crops.  Sounds like something out of that old movie by the name of "Soylent Green"!  In the mean time, a court order has been overturned & the sludge is on the road again, being delivered to numerous acres of farmland that were purchased in private sales years prior to the dumping of hazardous waste.  It appears those big city boys & girls really knew what they were doing when they bought useless land in the middle of nowhere, that are now new housing projects & sludge farms.  It's happening everywhere & the private investors are the real villans in all of this.  Rendering is foul too.

  5. There is a flavored popcorn factory up the street from me. Some mornings the smell of caramel corn fills the air.

    Hog lot smell is a big problem in Iowa. Ive come to the conclusion that smells equal money, money talks to politicians smells will never go away.

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