
Does anybody outside of Appalachia care about mountain top removal?

by Guest62898  |  earlier

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The Bush administration is loosening the limits on mountaintop removal practices, making it easier for large coal companies to come in & destroy the beautiful mountains of Appalachia while dumping the slate and excess debris in the streams. Does anybody outside of this area care about the issue? It was on the front of the NY Times, but I don't know if anybody else cares.

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  1. I'm VERY worried about this!  I think Appalachia will serve as a bell weather for other efforts by the current "regime" to undermine other environmental regulations and restrictions.  Everything from leach pit mining, to BLM road development, to opening up oil "exploration".

    The good news is that I think this is one of the most environmentally conscious congresses we've had in place in decades.  So hopefully they'll be able to stonewall or flat out halt the efforts by Bush and his cronies to recklessly tear further into the nation's natural resources.

  2. Yes, I care very deeply, as my ancestors are from Appalachia.  The Appalachian mountains are magical and mystical.  There are a lot of spirits in those mountains, at least that is what I feel about it.  It would be helpful for a group such as Earthjustice to be involved in the struggles of the Appalachian people to preserve their homelands.  Mountaintop removal should never be allowed, as drilling in the Artic Nat. Wildlife Refuge should never be allowed.  The Bush administration has had time to prove over and over and over that they don't give a Rat about the American people, all they care about is how much money and other resources they can strip from the American people.  You must never give up the good fight, keep fighting and please, let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

  3. I read about that and it is appauling and shameful.  this is free trade in action. think new world order or globalisation.  I feel sorry for you guys and for the poor fish and animals too.


  4. Alot of people outside of Appalachia care about this issue. Frankly, I think it's aweful.

    Unfortunately, not alot of us who care own coal mining companies. Or are high up enough on the political food chain to do anything about it. But that's usually the case with most issues anymore.

  5. I didn't even know that this was going on.  I wish I was closer and will write to my congressman about this issue also.  

    If companies and people keep removing trees, in years down the line how are we going to breath?

  6. many people care, but it is easier to focus on what the government is currently destroying in one's own area...

    it's a shame though...

  7. Money is power and Appalachia is poor. Sad but true.

  8. I do care.  I heard about this just a few days ago.  It's sad.  Soon there will be nothing left of those beautiful mountains.  I heard that there was a group called something like Christans for Conservation that was getting information out to people to try and get this mountain top removal changed.

  9. There is no loosening on any limits.  Bush is just giving legal clarification the practices that occurred during the Clinton Administration.

    Nothing has changed.

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