
Does anybody realize that overturning Roe v. Wade does not mean abortion will be illegal?

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It means that it would be up to individual states to decide whether abortion is legal or illegal due to the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.




  1. Thank you! I'm astonished at how many people don't know this basic fact of how government works, our US Constitution, etc.

  2. That's a start!

    We've got to stop killing babies, if it's one state at a time so be it!

  3. Most states will follow the Supreme courts lead and outlaw it. Rest assured. And thank God for it, over forty million innocent children slaughtered since it's creation. That's a sad legacy for America.

  4. yea just like "we'll leave civil rights to the states" meant that the states would then be free to make as many civil rights as they wanted! not like that meant that civil rights progress would never happen. oh no!

  5. I really dont think people know this. It should be up to the states, each state has different beliefs, cultures, people....what works in CA may not work in Nebraska.

  6. Yes and have you seen what leaving education up to the state has done to places like Mississippi?

  7. Yeah, it will, in pretty much all the red states and probably even the blue states in the country because of all the money the churchies dump into protesting and harassing women at abortion clinics and buying giant billboards with pictures of bloody fetuses.

    I wonder if Planned Parenthood wasted all of its money on rhetoric and advertising rather than providing actual health services if some of the public would be as wingnut anti-choice as it is?


    You're obviously ignorant on the entire abortion issue. Women do not USE abortion as "birth control." More than half of women who have abortions already have children.

    If you don't want women to use it as birth control, then why doesn't the religious right PROMOTE THE USE OF ACTUAL BIRTH CONTROL to prevent abortion? Oh, that's right! Because they actually don't CARE about preventing abortions, just about moralizing about how people have too much s*x out of wedlock, like Palin's daughter!

  8. Me! I know it! But apparently Forget War Buy More thinks that the state of Mississippi should not be allowed to do anything. No more state governments -- that's apparently some people's motto.

  9. People are pretty dumb. Some people think that Roe v. Wade makes abortion a Constitutional Right!;...

  10. i don't care if its overturned,only if republicans don't complain about the millions of poor people that would be on welfare trying to provide for the babies they didn't abort

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