
Does anybody recall a limitation on the number of golf balls a PGA Tour pro can lose during a round?

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I recall reading something about it years ago... Please Help!




  1. theres no limit...your score is what it is...

  2. You can only carry 12 balls to start each round of a tourney.  If you lose 12 in one round, you are done.  

    I remember asking the tournament official for my first ever tournament this question because I was wondering the same thing.

  3. No you score what you score no matter how many balls you lose

  4. The previous answers are all correct.  I saw Tiger being interviewed one time and he was asked how many balls he'll use during a round.  He said three.  He'll play one on #1, 4, 7, 10 etc., the next on #2, 5, 8, 11, etc and the third on 3, 6,9, 12 etc.  Even wear on the balls.  He never uses balls more than one round so those expensive Nike's do him for six holes each then he gives them away.   I suppose his caddie carries an extra sleeve just in case one goes into the water or something.

  5. Remember the movie "Tin Cup"  he almost ran out of balls...12.

  6. No limit on how many one could lose.  However they do play the "one ball rule" on the PGA tour which means when you loose one you can only replace it with the same brand and type of ball.  I guess you would be limited by how many you could stuff into one of those big tour bags.  But with all the gallery and marshals watching every shot - they don't loose very many.

  7. No limit ... you are even allowed to borrow or buy them from others.........

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