
Does anybody remember July 4th 1976?

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Ah, nineteen seventy-something...




  1. I was six years old, my father was still in the Air Force.

    I remember that 4th because it was the last one while he was still enlisted.  We were stationed at Plattsburgh Air Force Base, it was one of the SAC bases that Clinton closed.

    I also remember the special fire works show we had that 4th since it was the bicentennial.

  2. I remember...but I shouldn't admit that!

  3. Yes.  Spent the day in Manhattan.  Watching the ships sail up the East River.  Street Festivals going on all over.  South Street Seaport had some Naval ships docked and allowed civilians on board.  Greatest Fireworks display.

  4. No I was only 3 years old, but that cool timeline you provided explains why I'm so messed up...some wacky stuff was happening while I was a kid...

  5. Yep, I asked my 1st wife to marry me under the fireworks that night, very romantic.

    Of course, she left to move in with her boss a few years later, so we can see how well THAT worked out!

  6. I think that was the year I smoke bombed and firecrackered the ants.

  7. I was in diapers!  LOL!


  8. Wow, just read that blog  you gave us!  I had just graduated from high school that year and had my whole life in front of me!  Yes I remember it very well and thanks for the memories that you brought back to my attention!  Oh yes, I drove a Chevy Vega until it started using oil!  It was the old aluminum block and the heads and that block did not last long together!

  9. Yes I do. There were numerous celebrations of the bicentennial that year.  The 4th was especially big that year. There was Billy-beer and the Carter "quarter". I was in eighth grade.

  10. ha, The Hustle, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Jimmy Hoffa.  That was a big year in a lot of ways.

  11. Yes.  I was in a VA hospital recovering from the ninth surgery I have had to undergo as a result of my military service.

  12. Yes, my oldest daughter was three and my younger was one, I had all my teeth and my hair wasn't almost gray....I had a

    pick-up truck and could actually put gas in it without feeling I was stealing from supper money!  My wife wasn't suffering

    from rheumatoid arthritis and we actually could enjoy each other's company instead of being like now, the only petting

    we do is when we are taking turns at rubbing in Aspercreme

    Heat and reminding each other every ten minutes of how

    our knees and backs hurt............Awe yes, I' remember...that's about the only thing that is left in tact  is my memory and

    now it's getting a bit shady...I can't remember if I told you about it or not!

  13. Indeed. Almost got lucky with Rhonda on the way home from a cookout at my uncle's house.

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