
Does anybody sometimes listen to sad songs and wants to cry for some reason and you dont know why?

by  |  earlier

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I put song that i like and i end up crying if it is slow or sad or if i have a connection to it in life.




  1. Yes, but most of the time I know why I cry when listening. Say if the song is about a girl that gets picked on, I cry because no one should have to go through that. If it is a song about a death of a loved one, I cry because I know what it feels like.

  2. yea i am guilty of doing that. its so pathetic but its a way of dealing with our emotions by being able to connect with something or someone else who can understand

  3. i dont like slow songs in general, they give you a false idea on love and relationships. since i havent really listened to them my life has been much better. i know the truth about love and relationships, they make it as a fairytale or make you feel sad when you shouldnt when you should really be smart about guys. now if its a really good song then i listen to it once and then think nothing more of it, i dont keep listening over and over. listen to upbeat music more than slow stuff it will make you a happier person. who wants to feel down.

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