
Does anybody take a "tonic wine".......and......?

by Guest64844  |  earlier

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what are the benefits of this medicinal liquid, and does it make one tipsy.




  1. Wine contains sulfides.  These are bad for a persons liver & kidneys.  Not to mention the stomach lining & many other health risks.  I'd never take it or any other beverages that contain unknowns.  I'm somewhat of a purest.

  2. Probably fortified with iron.

    It will have the same effect as any other alcohol drink.

  3. It is pretty much standard advice to take 2 glasses of red wine a day and it apparently promotes heart health. When you go over that, it takes away from the benefits from what I have been told. The Doc just laughed when I asked if I could "save" my 2 glasses a day and just drink 14 on Saturday night. Guaranteed you get tipsy.

    I make wine but rarely drink it. My Docs and workers and family get 98 percent of it. I don't think beer comes into play but since Ben Franklin said beer was proof God loves us and wants us to be happy, that was good enough for me.

  4. MY neighbour, a young lady of 81, tells me she has a small tot of SANATAGEN  each night. She  goes out every day, doing errands for what she calls THE OLD FOLK who cant get out. IF i could prove it was the tonic that keeps her going, i would ask for it to be put on the NHS, instead of some of the stuff that gets priscribed. Long may she continue.

  5. No but I mix protein powder in milk and drink it after my workouts to help build muscle. And I have been known on occasion to have a few Miller Lites to relax said muscles!

  6. I don't,  but I do remember my mother taking a nightly glass of  'Sanatogen' tonic wine. I think it was supposed to work like a tonic medicine. I think she said it settled her nerves but on reflection I think any wine would do that !

  7. Never have heard of tonic wine, so I have never taken it..

    but I sure have drank a good Cabernet on occasion....

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