
Does anybody take the medicine Lexapro, if so do you get any sexual side effects from it? how do u fix that?

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Does anybody take the medicine Lexapro, if so do you get any sexual side effects from it? how do u fix that?




  1. natural treatments do not cause that

    check your ailment on

    good luck and take care

  2. I don't know what dosage of Lexapro you're taking, I take Wellbutrin SR (150 mg) in the morning, and Lexapro (10 mg) in the evening.  You might be able to add the Wellbutrin SR and cut down the Lexapro by a dose, that should help with the Lexapro side effects.

    The Wellbutrin also helps me to be more active - the Lexapro made me want to not do much - and Wellbutrin helped with that.

    That might be something to talk with your doctor about...

    Best of Luck to you :-)


  3. View page R first, then female depression, Page V, and the rest: if for anxiety: section 6; see page N first.

    ANTIDEPRESSANT OR DEPRESSION RELATED SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION: Occurs often: Ginkgo Biloba is recommended to help counteract it, and Damiana to increase libido (s*x drive). If unavailable locally, there is a product in supermarket vitamin & supplement shelves called Horny Goat Weed. View on Lexapro. An SNRI, such as Wellbutrin, if taken alone, is said to often not produce sexual dysfunction, or take away the ability to achieve o****m, and also check out Serzone at &

    Thanks must go to Opester for this: "Very common on any of the SSRI's-Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, Luvox, etc.

    You can try a couple things to resolve it:

    1) Try Periactin (Cyproheptadine) a few hours prior to having relations-it's an antihistamine that is generic and inexpensive, but I believe it requires a Rx. It works for some people, but not all. You need about 4mg usually.

    2) Ask your doc to add Wellbutrin-it often is prescribed to help with this side effect and is usually effective, but can add some other side effects (like sweating) but not everyone gets side effects.

    3) Reduce the dosage or try a drug holiday occasionally, but check with your doc before decreasing.

    4) Men can try Yohimbine or Viagra/Cialis if not otherwise contraindicated.

    5) Try another SSRI-not all produce the side effect in every person. You can also try Cymbalta or Effexor which are both combined SSRI/SNRI and tend to diminish this side effect (similar to adding Wellbutrin)".

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