
Does anybody teach the ancient form of muay thai ?

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Muay thai boran,the style tony jaa shows in ong bak?




  1. People teach it obviously, i just do not know if anyone would in your area.

    Do not listen to any advice given by bunjinkan Ninja, as if he truly had all the experience he claims, he would not think that a yellow belt in TKD would have to register his hands as lethal wepons inf florida. Proof of what i am saying in the link:;...

  2. Muay Boran evolved into Muay thai, that's why it's hard to find someone who teaches this style, you can find it in Thailand though.

    Tony Jaa displays many styles on the movie Ong Bak, including muay boran, muay thai, and capoeria.  

  3. Its not muay thai boran, its either muay thai, or muay boran.

  4. Yes.

  5. heres a bunch of website that teaches  muay thai

  6. probably not going to be able to find many in the states qualified to teach the ancient forms. your best bet would be going to Siam... sorry, Thailand...

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