
Does anybody think dublin airport is just choas????!!!!???

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im from there and i dont see the problem




  1. Depends on the time of day. It is chaotic very early in the morning and it is nice and quiet in the evening from tea time onwards. I am from there too and am at the airport lots at different times. Summer and match times are chaotic as well.

  2. well since the tighter security came it is, but it is still nothing compared to heathrow!

  3. Well I have never had a problem however, it must be the only airport in the world that carries the number of passengers it does and still has only one door in and one door out for all travel both domestic and international. Where else would you get it??

  4. I was there last month, I was waiting for someone for 3 hours because I arrived early but there was no problems. it was actually a really relaxed atmosphere and everyone was pretty calm

  5. Yes it can be chaos at the moment, but the Dublin Airport Authority are working really hard to improve things. They are in the process of building a new terminal to cope with the growing numbers of travellers and are also improving existing facilities. They are doing this while still operating an airport that handles over 20 million passengers a year. Be patient

  6. I think it's a horrible place to spend the night

  7. It's very busy first thing in the morning and the recent building work did not help things, but it's no worse than many other airports.

  8. Dublin Airport is going thru a huge rebuilding programme at the moment and wont be fully complete till 2012.

    With 20 million pax going thru and the volume is rising at a steady rate its doing really well, especially in the security area, where the average Q time is below ten minutes.

    Lack of space in the main departures hall is a problem at present, but that will change in the very near future.

    Security at Heathrow is a snails pace (2 Hrs) compared to our 10 mins.

    Don't knock us. Were doing very nice thank you.

  9. I have been in Dublin Airport several times. For me it is looks like all other airports in Europe.

  10. I got back from Dublin yesterday - there were a few queues, but nothing major.  Its a lovely airport.

    On my way to Dublin, Birmingham airport was absolute chaos and we had a two hour queue just to get through to the departure lounge!!!

  11. i got back from dublin yesterday flying to bournemouth on ryanair and it is not that busy. it has quite a lot of terminals and gates.

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