
Does anybody think that barry bonds takes steriods?

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becuz i think so he went from small to huge in one year




  1. I never used to but now i think he did.Your neck doesn't just bulk up like that.

  2. he DID for 100% sure, but idk if DOES anymore

  3. EVERYBODY does. I've thought this since the record-breaking year in 2001 and my mind hasn't changed since.

  4. Exactly you took the steroids right out my mouth:-)

  5. He's off the steroids and have been for years.  Actually his usage was not as bad as others.  He took them under a dr's. care as well as some recreational usage during the HR race.  He never was an abuser because his growth was due to aging, he never got built like Mr. Universe type bodybuilders and his head and body size grew due to water retention and fat because of slow metabolism when getting older.

    If he was an abuser like the haters, bandwagoners and fake baseball fans, he would have been dead already from side effects, or if he survived that, he would have committed suicide.  

    Steroids don't help with long term performance enhancement because they slowly kill you from the inside out.  Examples include; weakening bones and muscular structure, making your muscles too tight where you cannot pitch a ball or swing a bat properly, diminishing your eyesight to where you cannot see the catcher or a ball pitched to you, and the worst symptom is suffering from paranoia and uncontrolled anger, where you cannot even get out of bed to report to the ballpark.

    It took years for him to "age" or "grow" or gain weight, so it is difficult to know exactly when he took the "recreational" steroids, but it sure did not mess his skills up.....  During or after that time, he passed Henry Aaron and Mark McGwire to become the HR leader in career and season, but there is no scientific proof showing PED's helped him hit those HR's because he already had a high HR total even before the alleged usage occurred.  Also, MLB and Bud Selig did not make steroids or PED's fully banned and illegal until 2003.  That means they intentionally turned their backs on PED usage just so that MLB could benefit financially from the HR race between Sosa and McGwire and then seek a scapegoat and occasional "user" (Bonds) to pick on in years to come.....

  6. Took not takes

  7. Yes!!! He had a really small body and now he is like godzilla. Barry Bonds cheated and Hank Aaron is the real HR champ. Barry, when playing the pirates was skinny and fast. Then when traded to the G-men, his body started to grow and when your Barry's age, the body has basiclly stopped growing. That isn't normal. Also he started being sidelined by abnormal injuries that wouldn't normally happen w/o juice. Without a doubt, Barry took steriods.

  8. I think he did but he didn't go from small to huge in just one year, it was a period of a couple of years

  9. I think he did, but he did not get huge in one year. Or else it would be to obvious.

  10. In a recent article (can't quote which magazine offhand) prosecuters found that less than a year before Barry broke the season home run record he tested positive for anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing substances in November 2000.

    Of course, this doesn't surprise me at all, he grew from a thin player to a huge man're right. He's got the big head syndrome going on, the batting helmet barely fit him.

  11. He didn't actually get small to huge in one year, it was a gradual increase from year to year. I really don't know what to believe yet, all signs are pointing to "yes" he probably did steroids.

  12. I do think that Bonds took steriods i mean come one his head was tiny compared to his body, he had so much luck with him when he beat the homerun record. I just hope he gets it taken away. Of course Bonds took steriods.

  13. MLB has been UNFAIR to Barry Bonds and some others. Especially what they have done to Roger Clemens, Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmerio, Mark MacGuire, and others,............and was perpetrated by a Turncoat and a known Felon and sorry Poor Sport Punk named Jose' Canseco whom is a traitor and should have never thrown stones since he lives in a Glass House and is guilty of way more than the others with his Wife Beating, Drug Useage, Gun-Play, and, many other incidents.

    MLB has d**n near destroyed Barry Bonds whom deserves a mass Public Apology and regardless of whether he did or did not use PEDs, Steroids, or what have you, was not regulated or illegal for MLB Players to do so for many years, and not regulated and it is a shame how they have tried to destroy this man.

    I am not an S.F. Ginats Fan nor a Pirates Fan for which Barry played for both teams, but, since we live in a country where doing things any way to be the Fastest, Strongest, Quickest, Most Powerful, etc., etc., etc., ALL and EVERYTHING we do, it's quite ironic they made this Steroids situation into the monster it has become.

    Once they get it all straightened out and properly regulated,............fine, but, that still does not mean Barry Bond did not break the single season record for HRs, and broke Hank Aaron's HR record.

    This all was perpetrated by a couple of sell-outs that had an axe to grind, and I'm quite surprised Jose' Canseco and some of these other Snitches are still walking aroud and have not yet become Everglades Meal of the Day!

    Steroids does not improve hand-eye coordination and this has been proven. Besides, he already had the power to hit HRs and proved this well before and even after his alleged use.

    It's a shame the way this country and the media like to crucify people in this country, and, this will be an ugly mark against Baseball, and, what they did to this man will never be erased and the Media did to him almost as bad as what the Papparazzi did to Princess Diana.

    There's an old saying I use in such cases. "If you can pardon Richard Nixon, you can pardon any MFer!

  14. nahhh not really, only everyone under the sun whose last name isn't Bonds. Soooo only about 5.9 Billion people.

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