
Does anybody think that this girl likes me???

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this girl sits near me and when we talk alot..<she is the type that can talk alot and to most people> as she sits beside me...whenever i accidentally touch her she would sometimes not move like nothing happened...she will laugh at my jokes like crazy sometimes...even cry...she will also try to talk to me when we see each other at the canteen...when i ask her who she likes she would always say"i dont like anybody!" then she would look away..she also tell me her secrets does she like me??<she also talks to other guys alot>but most of them are my friends...........recently my friends told her that i like her....her face turned red can anybody tell me if she like me???<she is not the flirty kind> and recently she helped me scolded this few boys that were bullying me<butactually we were just playing>

she thought i was getting does anybody think she likes me?




  1. she does like you .. nobody laughs at jokes to tears naturally  

  2. true right she does,know you have to be the bigger man an ask her out

  3. sounds like it....uhm.

    this guy i liked kinda tricked me into telling him tht i liked him.

    try and do tht if u see the chamnce.

    or if u like her just ask her out!

    and she wont say no based on what u have said....



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