
Does anybody think the gas prices will go down with a new president in office?

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Does anybody think the gas prices will go down with a new president in office?




  1. I hope so too!

  2. Not a penny. In fact, if Obama is President he said he would put another 50 cent a gallon tax on it.

  3. If the middle east became less volatile, then the speculative buying should come down.  Yes, it is possible that a new president could have this affect rather quickly.  However, it will take time and significant broad changes to have a large and long term affect.

  4. Only if he wants to drill for oil in the numerous places that we are not allowed to now.

  5. i sure hope so!!

  6. Of course not!  Do you think that even if drilling were allowed it would make a difference in the short term!  We need to get off our duffs and drill in our back yard and build more refineries.  The environmentalists have held us hostage for too long!

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