
Does anybody understand what Bush's objective is by demanding that Russia end the violence in Georgia?........

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I mean, what are we gonna do if they don't? Nuke 'em? I don't think so. So, why interfere when we have no leverage here? Afterall, it's not like Russia needs us economically...




  1. Its a hollow his threat against Bin Laden

  2. Bush is still the president and he has to react... somehow.

  3. Seems  like  they  had  video  and intelligence of just exactly where  Bin Laden was  right  up  to 9/11.

    Then  sent  in  the troops  after  he  left.  

  4. o ya  looks like Russia really doesn't care what bush says

    you do all realize how fast this is gonna get out of hand, right?

  5. He's confused about which Georgia it is.  

    He's very concerned that the russians are attacking us on our homeland.  Besides, he loves peaches.

  6. News And Magazine-

  7. Bush doesn't have the moral high ground to say anything about Russia.

    They are in Georgia to search for WMD's. So he should butt out of it.

    The only way the Georgians can "win" this is not to think the West can help them. They should remember how the Chechens kicked out the Russians. The theatre in Moscow and the kiddies in Beslan.

    Long before this they should have done some research into

    chemical and germ warfare, which is cheap but more effective than nuclear weapons (look how many have died to AIDS). If they had done this, then by now these agents would be in place for quick and easy dispersal. Moscow could become a morgue for a mere twenty five thousand US dollars.

    Unpalatable as it may be, big superpower bullies only can only be stopped by extreme measures. Look at how effective Osama bin Laden and fifteen Saudis were. Wicked as that was, it was certainly more effective than one stupid nuclear bomb.

  8. I haven't understood Bush's objective since he took office!  But, as far as speaking out against the he the KING of irony and contradiction, or WHAT?   Also...I think he's been wearing his rose colored 'megalomaniac' glasses too long (or maybe daddy's big boy pants...I dunno)...Russia is a force to be reckoned with...not someone to threaten!   Our troops are already overextended and dangerously overtaxed...can you say "DRAFT"?

  9. Would you have him say nothing?  His objective is that we not have an all out world war and we are an ally of Georgia.  I am no Bush fan, but he is saying what needs to be said for right now.  We need to quit panicking and take things a day at a time.  I would much rather Bush talk than have Cheney running his mouth.

  10. The most George can do to Russia is kick them out of G8 and hurt them economically with trade punishments.

    For further information on what the U.S. can do, see: "Cold War"


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