
Does anybody use this on their horse(s)?

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A Myler snaffle? My horse was in one before I got him, but I use a French Link Snaffle, as I heard it was good for young horses (encourages mouthing and is supposed to be nice and genle).

Aren'y Myler bits very expensive...what are their advantages?

I looked on google, but there was so much info I couldn't make sense of it and it was mostly ebay ads!

thank you.




  1. OH BOY - you're asking a question right up my alley.

    Myler bits are expensive, but you get what you pay for.  They last a lifetime, are easy to clean and keep looking like brand new, are made of the highest quality materials and contain the most technology I've seen in a bit in 40 years.

    Additonally, you can use the knowledge you have to interchange mouthpieces and cheekpieces to get the perfect bit for your needs.

    The drawback?  Folks don't have the basic and specific knowledge about bit mechanics to make good decisions - so with all the possibilities they often experience information overload and give up trying to decide the best thing to do.

    If you go to the Myler website, you'll gain some knowlege about their bits.  I would also suggest purchasing the Myler DVD or Video with their book.  Watch the video when you're awake and can focus - it's a bit monotone, so I found I had to have a big cappucino to sit and focus on it for it's entirey.  I also was quite confused by the book and had relegated it to a dusty shelf until I watched the video - THEN the book became a bible of reference information.

    Additionally, if you purchase a Myler bit and find it isn't the right one, you can sell it and often get your money back on it if it isn't a custom one that's really crazy - like a 51/2 custom bit that only a large horse would use.

    The French link IS a gentle bit because while it does affect tongue pressure, it cannot be forced onto the horse's tongue taking away his tongue or gagging him.

    There's a ton of knowledge about the bits.  For example, an old wives tale is that a full copper mouth bit is best.  While it does encourage salivation which makes the mouth moister and more sensitive, it's a soft metal that can get sharp edges on it if the horse mouths it too much, then causes pain while in his mouth.  The Myler bits are made of either Stainless or Sweet Iron with copper inlays - to the copper will help the horse keep a moist mouth but the bit is hard enough to remain safe.

    Here's the website you need to get started understanding them

    But here's the meat and potatoes - if your horse resists the bit at all or is disrespectful of it - by running through it, getting too far behind it (tucking away from it), sticking their tongue out or throwing their head in the air, you need to do some analysis and determine a better bit because something's wrong with the communication tool you're using now.  If your horse is responding well in his French Link why change?  However, if the bit you're using is a cheap one, it's likely made with chrome or some other material that will degrade somehow - it'll tarnish of something and you'll have to replace it.  If you purchase 4 $20 bits of the same type through the life with your horse, you could have bought an $80 Myler Comfort Snaffle once.

    Good luck - get as much knowledge as you can about bits - it'll make your interaction with your horse that much better.

  2. Here is some information on Mylar bits:

  3. Myler bits are expensive but are excellent.  They have a rating system to help you choose the correct bit for your horse at different levels of training.   they have a lot of informatin on their website and they also publish a book about their bits available in better tack stores.  Usually, you will only find these bits in the best stores or have to buy online.  Bits are not returnable so make sure you measure properly.

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