
Does anybody want to be in Rick Mahorns shoes right now?

by  |  earlier

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He's all everybody will be talking about ,when they start playing what happen over and over again.

Its going to suck to be him!!lol




  1. Why are people saying he hit her?  I've seen the replays.  He didn't hit her.  People need to chill.  That part of it is all blown way out of proportion.

  2. He didn't do anything wrong. He was trying to break things up and he got punched by a player and was putting his hands up when he accidentally knocked Lisa Leslie over.

  3. who is rick mahorns?

  4. Why wud anyone want to be in his shoes?

    That wud be a NO NO.

  5. he is gonna be on women's shitlist for YEARS..

    although, i really do believe that he intended to break the fight up, not physically push her down

  6. no, he is going to get a real bad rep for hitting a girl

  7. Men who hit girls are losers!!

    Eurяopa Rockszz I think he means it as a joke dear!

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