
Does anybody who is not a home-schooling, anti-g*y, anti-abortion, crusader get McCain's pick ?

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Palin promotes creationism, a "theory" that the universe is about 6000 years old. She believes that global warming is a myth and that polar bears are not endangered. She stated that the Iraq war was a "task from God." Other than that, she hasn't thought much about the war. Is there a serious minded person here who is not described above, that thinks the selection of Sarah Palin shows good judgement by John McCain?




  1. I'm not any of those.  Gee in the spirit of being nice, I guess I better stop thinking that Obama supporters are liberal whiners that are always begging for a handout.

    Just wait and watch. Sarah Palin can either make or break her new-found fame, but you won't affect that.  

  2. I don't see how it was good judgment when the pick was a "reaction" to the Democrats performance at the DNC.  He panicked and this is what he came up with.  A cheerleader ex-beauty queen.  I would have rather he stuck with his guns and picked someone a lot more qualified.

  3. trikid--"All women think alike"?  What are you, insane?  If John McCain thinks that the Hillary supporters are going to vote for him because of the Alaskan Bimbo, he deserves to lose.  

    Sarah Palin does not equal Hillary Clinton, not even on her best day

  4. Thank goodness it's only a few that think like her.  They don't have a chance in November!

  5. thanks for the points

  6. How about someone who loves Palin and doesn't buy the liberal strategy of fling c**p at her until something sticks!

    We're sick of the slander!

  7. I do. All women think alike. They assume a "strong woman" is any woman who holds a political office, so the EXACT same qualities that made them like Hillary will make them like Palin, because women do not care about issues.

    Morganie: Hypocrisy much? I've seen you on other questions, slandering liberals. This is politics---you attack someone on issues that are important to you to bring to light their lack of capacity in that area. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  8. I think that any conservative can clearly see why Palin was picked. She is an amazing representative for our veiwpoints. I am sorry that you being a liberal is hindering you from seeing this. By the way, is her being Christian wrong? Because where I come from, that is called BIGOTRY.

  9. Like Gov Palin my children attended public schools Like Gov Palin I believe that public education works best when parents get involved and encourage their children to do their best.

    This Catholic hockey fan whose favorite meal includes venison is happy that McCain picked a Catholic hockey mom whose favotire meal includes venison.

  10. i'm a democrat who's child is in a public school, who is pro g*y marriage and who is pro choice. i'm undecided at this point, but am leaning more towards mccain.

  11. I believe this was an obvious move to pick up unhappy Clinton supporters particularly the female Clinton supporters. I believe he will succeed in picking up some uninformed voters. Like it are not some women will vote for her only because she is a woman. We will see how many.

  12. Is this a great woman or what???? How can you not get with this???

    Btw, barack is acommunity organizer, what a great resume. She has led, she was in the military, and you have The Black Guy. HMMMMM substance or skin color, she's got my pick.

  13. There's plenty of objective analysis out there from all political just have to look for them.

    Somehow, however, I don't think "objective" is really what you're after...  

  14. I think the rich already have enough money and am kinda tired of corporate welfare. I think it's time the middle class got a break for a change.

    I don't care what your religion is. I don't care about much at all except giving America back to the Moderates who make up most of our country.

    Sarah Palin is just about the worse possible pick McCain could have made. Of course, he didn't know about all her craziness. If he had I'm sure he wouldn't have picked her.

  15. Actually, I am pro-straight, pro-life, and pro-home school.

    Global Warming is an unproven theory...sorry but its true.

    And polar bears are not endangered, their numbers are quite large.

  16. A lot of people believe global warming is a myth. to quote John Coleman (founder of the weather channel) global warming is the biggest scam in history. to quote my geology professor. he has a PHD in this so he must have learned something . Only 38% of scientist are sure that global warming is caused by humans. humans have an effect on the environment. that's true enough. but the earth has been warming and cooling for years. it might just be the sun.  if your going to teach me evolution i also think you should teach creationism. or teach neither. i learned evolution and the big bang theory. think it's complete c**p.  

  17. I get McCain's pick and it shows great judgment.

    Creationism is indeed a theory. Just as evolution is a theory. Both are supported by flawed evidence. You can choose what you believe in, but no one can say unequivocally their belief is correct.

    Top scientists, who I'm willing to bet are more educated on the subject than you, disagree on the extent, cause, or detriment to the atmosphere caused by greenhouse gases. They can't even agree that global warming exists...but wait, you DO know?

    I don't agree with her remark about God and the Iraq war.

    Why are people so frightened of her beliefs? Is there any evidence she's forced her personal beliefs on the people she lead?

    The same can be said for Bush. A staunch opponent of abortion, but has he proposed any legislation to overturn Roe v Wade? How about IV drug use and g*y s*x, 2 of the biggest contributors to HIV/ you think Bush is against that? Very much so, but his landmark AIDS relief/research package was lauded even by Obama.

  18. Congrats for falling into the liberal trap of thinking that only retarded people are conservative...

  19. I believe that the Old Testament, especially the creation story, was written as a way to praise God and all His works and written in a way that the people of the time could understand and comprehend it. I believe that global warming is real because we go through this every few million years. I do not support the war, though I do support our troops. That far enough away from the above description for you?

    That being said, Sarah Palin is my hero.  

  20. I see nothing wrong with home-schooling-- I understand it promotes personal autonomy and a sense of freedom, which explains why the Far Left hates it so much-- and Global Warming is a myth-- climate change is not and is a cyclical change in weather patterns that occurs from time to time--, I have no problem whatever with homosexuals, and I, unlike the Far Left, am pro-choice.

    Sarah Palin has stated in the past that her religious beliefs are hers and that the force of government should not be used to make them anyone else's. I don't know how much better she can say that, and, as a non-Christian, that does satisfy me.

    I would also point out here that Obama has said that we are our brother's keeper-- another tenet of the Christian religion-- and has stated rather flatly that he plans to use the police power of the government as an instrument of plunder in order to enforce what he sees as God's will. Care to comment on that?

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