
Does anybody you know get on the brink of anger whenever getting angry, argumentative, or frustrated?

by  |  earlier

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How hard is it for him / her to follow directions when being told or asked to calm down? Does that person ever express his / her anger in a certain way? Does your loved one have certain problems in life? Does it happen whenever the person is told he / she cannot do things he / she wants and / or loose privileges that he / she has the compulsive habit of getting mad and losing it to show that it's not fair?




  1. Yes, meet my father.

    Grandfather of a******s.

    He can't hold a conversation with anyone unless he his talking loudly or giving people attitude. He blames it on his father but at some point, you need to break the chain and learn how to respect your family.

    I love my dad, but I have some of my worst memories because of him.

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