
Does anyone actually care about the situation in colombia?

by Guest65914  |  earlier

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Another key area of sales, for the military industrial complex in the USA. President Uribe has a murky past (mayor or medellin at the same time of pablo escobar, in charge of aviation(drug planes)in medellin. Instead of negotiation with the FARC and the ELN they use targeted assasinations. The colombian government violates its neighbours soviegnty (kidnapping of farc negotiator in caracus-venezuela) (airstrike killing the farcs international negotiator-Raul Reyes-IN ECUADORIAN territory.) History of liquidation of opposition to the oligarchy. Racism agaisnt natives and blacks. Resources exploited by transnational corporations(colombians dont see any benefit from their resources.) class cleansing(poor farmers pushed from their lands so corporations and rich families take over their land). One of the worst Rich- Poor divides in the world. Genocide by right wing paramilitarys and the army on anyone who stands up to the elite. Thousands of dissapearences. Why does the world remain silent????




  1. The World Remains Silent Because Today, We Cover Things Up.

    We Try To Avoid And Ignore Problems That "Aren't Ours."

    Unfair But True.

  2. Mostly because the US is involved deep and they have brainwashed their masses so much that they will go all the way to China to protest about small human rights violations while their armies flatten whole towns in Iraq and Afghanistan wiping out countless civilians inc children.. Its sad.

  3. no

  4. Too bad they don't have oil. We would love to "liberate" them if they had oil.

  5. No, not anyone I know cares.

  6. Uribe sounds like a good guy to me. You are just trying to make him sound bad. I am sure he is much better than Hugo Chavez who hates white people.

  7. I do not care.

  8. We should free them for all of their cocaine.  I mean we could use it for pharmeceuticals and we could ship the rest to amsterdam.  Can you say cha ching?

  9. There's oil ?  Eh carumba - you shouldn't have said that !

  10. NO. USA supports the dictator in his ethnic cleansing..since they hate Venezuela.

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