
Does anyone actually take any of the politicians seriously anymore?

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Don't get me wrong. I take our country seriously most definitely...and the things that concern us. But one of my concerns is that politics has become nothing more than a game. And all the players will cheat at the game too.

Just listen to the commentaries in the news media and how they say what strategies each of the players must do next.

I also think we should treat the politicians like we do the military. Give them a much more modest salary, housing allowance (to come out of the salary the way it does for the military), medical benefits and the like. We'll see how many of them are still wanting to serve our country if they're not going to be so rich by doing it.

If I sound frustrated, it's because I am. Our government is supposed to be by the people and for the's not. It's just a power game.

Any thoughts? Solutions for how we could get our public servants to actually serve the majority of the people and their best interests, rather than their own selves?

Or do you think I'm totally off base and they're mostly sincere?




  1. You're not totally off-base.  The vast majority of politicians are more interested in lining their pockets with taxpayer money (and the money of special interest groups) than they are in doing what's right for this country.  Congress needs a strict code of ethics that involves removal from office for violation of any of the codes, but do you really think they'll impose a set of rules like that on themselves?  The only thing they agree on is voting themselves a pay raise every year.  Sad, but true.  And yes, they get paid way too much and have huge expense accounts that they use to spend, spend, SPEND, all out of the pocket of the American taxpayer.  The system is broken, and the only cure I see is voting every single incumbent out of office and replacing them with people who actually care about moving this country in the right direction.  2012 would be a good year to do it because virtually every politician will be up for re-election.

  2. BY the Politicians, for the Politicians!!!  It's the money game! The more money these characters have, the better their chances are to to be appointed to whatever position they want!!!  If truth be known, they give themselves these high saleries, and generous bonus's, supposedly to run this country! (Oops! I mean to run it into the ground! Bleed the public dry with taxes, and woe betide you if you don't pay them!) take expensive vacations on our money, under the guise of conducting business!!!  When one of these little boys has a beef against another member of the CLUB, they bring up some dirt about his past, and make his life miserable, just to get rid of him!! They forget their own skeletons in their closets! Yeah! Right! They are all lily white! What a bunch of hypocrits we have running our country!!!  Solutions!? Yes!! Give them a set salary for the duration of their term. NO Bonus's! Any trips taken, they have to use commercial airlines, and stand in line like the rest of us have to!  Let them pay for their own houses and taxes out of their own money, not by dipping into the tax fund!! THEN! when they really s***w up, they will find a fall guy and blame it all on him!! Famous last words! "I didn't know anything about it"!!! The President!?  Come on! Of course he did and does!! And now we have another set of rules coming up in November! Do you really think "change" is going to fix anything!???  They had better fix what's wrong now before comingling their new ideas into the pot!

  3. The politicians will get away with whatever the people will allow them to get away with. In other words, the voters are the ones that should take the most responsibility.

  4. if OB AMA were to be elected which is doubtful this country would be in a worse mess than it is now...i hope that people do a lot of research and not just vote on what he says

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