
Does anyone actually think that anything good comes out of political correctness?

by Guest65110  |  earlier

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Does anyone actually think that anything good comes out of political correctness?




  1. Sometimes, but there is a limit.

    Things like knowing the difference between "Asian" and "Chinese", or the difference between "Mexican", "Latino", and "Hispanic", and applying that knowledge in speech are important to being a tolerant (and intelligent) society. I say r****d a lot, but I wouldn't call an autistic person r****d because it's an offensive word.

    But I think there are also people who overdo it.

  2. Not really, but I do not self censor myself.

    I leave that to those who worry so about silly things like political correctness.

  3. OK tell something about Jews or deny holocaust.

  4. You bet.  Politically correct means that you understand differing views.  It does not mean that your view has to be surpressed or in any way negated.  PC should not be seen as supression or a threat in any way.

  5. Actually yes.  In most cases - political correctness is just a matter of respecting individuals or groups that are different than you.

  6. Yes and No. People hide their true feelings behind PC. You'll never see the real side of people if they follow the politically correct guidelines. There is a formula to it.

  7. A more tolerant society.

    Walk a day in a mentally challenged persons shoes and I bet you'd hate to be called retarded.

  8. nothing that is not accomplished better through inwardly motivated and realized awareness and compassion, combined with etiquette and protocol

    political correctness is cultural Marxism; it assumes that external, coerced structures, primarily of language, will effect CHANGE upon individuals.  those individuals who do not CHANGE are removed from the equation in one way or another; their voices do not exist

  9. Not a thing.  Political correctness silences people's opinions.  It works well in totalitarian societies.

  10. The PC c**p really annoys me.  It's...are you ready for this?  It's retarded.


    Ryan,  Obama-Biden in '08!

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