
Does anyone agree Yankees should just release Jason giambi NOW and cut their losses?

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He should take that "MOLE" Damon with Him.




  1. YES, tonights loss was just terrible.

  2. No, i got a better solution, since i am a Red Sox fan, the Tampa Bay Rays should start losing games and we should just remove the Yankees as a team becuase they are a disgrace to NY and to the MLB, booya

  3. no he shouldnt hes got 2nd overall must homeruns this year a rods in first and giambi is  in second on the yankees

  4. Nah. Re-sign him to an eight-year, $240 million contract. He brings enough leadership to merit that sort of committment.

  5. Yes, but not Damon.  Damon is having a great year and as a Yankee fan, I like him now more than I ever had.  Who really needs to go is Alex Rodriguez.  He is great but since he has got here we have done nothing and he can't hit with RISP.  Trade him for 2 good pitchers and then the Yankees will be set.  We don't need his bat, we need pitching.

  6. arod has to go. he cant do anything with RISP. he only delivers when we don't need it. like when they're up by 5

    damon should stay. hes having a great year. hes one of the few yankees that have a BA over .300 with RISP

  7. im going to see the game tomorrow.  

  8. Yeah, but ill tell you something, tonights lose just sucked.

  9. uh no offense big daddy, but that sounds pretty dumb. Yeah why don't they just cut their starting first baseman who has a .903 ops, .512 slg, .391 obp. That sounds like a plan. He has all around all star numbers except for his batting average. I really hope you weren't being serious. Sorry, I tried not to to take that question literally, but just couldn't help myself. Who are they going to play there the rest of the year, Wilson Betemit, Shelly Duncan?

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