
Does anyone agree that if you cant afford to tip your waitress don't eat out???

by  |  earlier

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If you look at your wallet and you only have enough to get your food its really not the best idea to eat in an environment where the person serving you your entree is paid server wages (usually 2 to 3 dollars an hour) if you can't leave a decent tip. (15% on average but at bare minimum 10%) These people have to survive too...




  1. This is what I've been trying to tell people!!

    Please shop for, prep, cook, serve, and clean-up after your own meal if you don't want to tip properly when you go out to eat!!

    It's really not rocket-science y'all !!



  2. I agree, you shouldn't go out to eat if you can't afford to tip the waiter/waitress.

    However, a tip should be earned every time and not just expected; a tip is a gratuity and should not be expected all the time.  This seems to be the case more and more these days, especially with younger people.  If the service is blatantly bad then a low or no tip should be expected.  If this occurs frequently then, instead of getting angry, the server should reevaluate themselves and make improvements.

    Sometimes, no matter how well the service was, you'll always get a bad tip.  SOME rich people got to be that way because they were very tight with their money all their lives.

  3. Yes, I do!

    Get takeout then.

  4. Absolutly tip your server.

  5. I agree, but it also depends on the service.

  6. You don't really need to avoid going to the resturant if you don't have as much money as you usually do. All resturants have differently priced entrees. You can order something that's cheaper than what you usually get, drink water instead of soda or alcohol, and forego the salad or soup.  If you're really strapped for cash, you can also just order an appetizer and enjoy it as your meal. There is also the option of borrowing a few dollars from a friend to make up the difference, or paying with a credit/debit card instead of cash.

    Whatever the situation, don't stiff the server - They deserve those tips. Indeed, in some places you can't, because they've begun adding the gratuity in automatically because of situations like this.

  7. I agree my fiance is a server her checks are like 25-30 dollars every two weeks they need the tips to survive

  8. it's stupid if you dont leave a tip

  9. h**l no, just go out, its ok, im sure they wont mind lol

  10. I don't agree.

    I work in a warehouse sending fruit and veg out to restaurants, and I get paid less than waiters and waitresses do.

    Where's my tip?

  11. exactly. the whole reason we only get 2-3 $ is because we rely on tips. so to the people that like to go out to eat- were not taking your order, bringing you drinks and food just for fun....

    its for your $$$, you want the pleasure of being waited on, then pay for it....

    and to the guy that says he works in a warehouse and makes less than a waitress.... you make less than 3$ an hour? thats not legal, get a new job~~~~!

  12. That is why take out was invented!

  13. I agree, do not go out if you can't afford to tip. Eat fast food or mac and cheese at home. I always tip at least 15% unless the service is poor and I have addressed the issue with my server.

  14. Absolutely agree! I work at Carrabba's Italian grill. I usually expect a 15-20 percent tip. That's the average...20 if I give great service. I get these people sometimes (that I know are rich since the restuarant is located in a rich area) and they tip crappy and ***** about everything. But since I like the money (when it's decent), I have worked there for over a year. Bottom line, if you go out to eat, tip....since this is what us servers work for!

  15. i agree why would even and why would you even think of not tipping go to mcdonalds..

  16. Absolutely!  One should never stiff one's server.  These folks work hard and couldn't make it without tips.

  17. I agree, I spend my money elsewhere, the restaurant doesn't get my money, the waitress doesn't get my money that way everyone loses out.  yeah.

  18. i agree, mainly because i am a server, but also because like you said most make under min. wage...on avg in TX, and AR its 2.13 an hour though in WA and Or the servers do get min wage...rember to that servers are taxed on the sales that we make so either way tipped or not thet take the money out for taxes

  19. I am sure not rich and live on a fixed income but if i go out to eat i tip the person waiting on me.I ordered a salad and coffee one day and left the waiter a 5 dollar tip and i thought he was going to jump for joy seems to of made his day.Now he looks for me if i walk in lol.

  20. Absolutely. The only way I EVER let myself get away with a low tip is if I'm a regular and my server *knows* that I usually tip well - and I always do. Then I make a point of coming in and getting in that server's section and giving them a 'make-up' tip on top of what I'm tipping them on that day. I don't do this very often.

  21. I agree if you do not have money to tip you should take your food to go.

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