
Does anyone agree that it feels as if the government is slowly taking one freedom after another?

by  |  earlier

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What will it be like in 10 years.

1. all transactions will be via a card eliminated.

2. camaras on every street watching you

3. GPS metal detectors buried all over the nation to track people with any kind of metal

4. Police state

5. anyone who resist the movement will be detained in our new dissident camps




  1. if your from the states and not the UK vote for ron paul in coming election - or go to his web site to see his opinions on what our govt should be

  2. I guess maybe.  Would you rather be blown up by a terrorist?  Or killed by a drug dealer?

  3. Yes.  And, not so slowly either.

  4. YES, with liberty and justice 4 all.

  5. i don't see why we can't use the detention camps for our treasonous government and lobbyist - i still think we get to decide - ya know not doing anything is a decision to.

    do we need to invite the french back to help us on the next revolutionary war to - the french do revolutions right.

    there are responsibilities to being a us citizen and it does not include allowing the president to be king.

    if we were in real danger we would not be talking like this - i'll tell you that right now - what the real problem is that criminals are running our country - and we the people appear to be unable or unwilling to do anything about it.;

  6. Why not?  Bush signed an executive order on May 16 which allows himself to suspend Congress and all courts whenever he feels it is necessary.

    I bought a new car last month.  No loan, but cash not allowed, since the Treaury Dept wants to know if you use "too much" cash.

    The Mayor of our fair city is gloating about the huge number of "security" cameras on so many streets.

    Advanced credit cards and other ID, like driver's licenses, can carry a GPS trackable chip.

    You doubt we already have a police state?  Ask the families of a few of the innocent people cops have blown away with no reprisals.

    It's coming.

  7. I don't know man I feel just as free to do whatever I want today as I did 10 years ago. Of course, maybe you are into doing different things that have since been outlawed, my only advice would be to pick up a different hobby.

  8. YES!

    For others: please whatch a movie : V for Vendetta

    it will teach you some things!

  9. Lets see:  Transactions are going electronic because this is more convenient for both the customer and the merchant.  This is not some government conspiracy - just business giving the customer what they want.

    Cameras on the street?  Are you aware that you have no expectation of privacy in public places?  If the British people have a problem with this - they can just elect new people.

    "GPS metal detectors"  - sounds like you need to learn what 'a GPS is.

    'Police State' - (you need to find out what a police state is.)

    'New dissident camps' - where?

    BTW - I saw the movie 'V for Vendetta' and regard it as a frightening example of how liberals view those who disagree with their political opinions.  In fact the movie was very similar to propaganda movies from n**i Germany in how it depicted people and political views the producers were opposed to.

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