
Does anyone agree with ethnic cleansing or genocide?

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I find it sickening that some people actually want genocide to happen. Its a terrible sin.




  1. These sorts of crimes happen when people begin to think it is "them" or "us"... From a middle class society when you don;t worry day to day whether someone will try and kill your family, these crimes seem incomprehensible.   But, if you truly believe that one type of person will kill you or your family if you don't kill them first, well, it is a little bit more ambiguous.

    And i don;t mean to justify it.  I also believe is it is sickening.  But it is all relative.

    Would a Jew have felt bad about killing a n**i in the 40s?

  2. Not me.

  3. not on your life!

  4. The International Criminal Court was set up to deal with cases such as genocide. USA refuses to allow any of it's citizens to face the ICC.

    Approx 650,000 people have been killed in Iraq since the US/UK invasion. On the other side US/UK Coalition deaths so far approx 4300

    The death tolls aren't remotely balanced - so would you consider this to be genocide?

  5. I thought this question was baiting, but I do not know anyone who would admit to favoring genocide.

  6. No!

  7. Zionism is based on the ethnic cleansing of Arabs. Yet many Americans support out of ignorance and /or heretical evangelicalism  

  8. True.

    Yes, every person supporting a genocidal political party or who votes for a candidate that supports genocidal politics must agree with genocidal politics.

    Obama went to Kenya to campaign for his cousin Odingo in the Kenyan Presidential Elections.  Odingo is a Muslim Extremist and when he lost the election his political party, the Orange Democratic Party, began rioting in Kenya.  The Muslim supporters in the Orange Democratic Party began genocidal acts against African tribes that were predominantly Christian, going so far as to give Christian males public Circumcisions with machetes.

    Obama supports his cousin Odingo in the genocidal politics of the Orange Democratic Party.

    The Democratic party itself political sponsored the genocide of Africans in the United States by supporting slavery, segregation and opposing civil rights.  Read "We Charge Genocide" as presented to the UN in 1951.


    In Ireland there were two groups that fought.  The "Orange men" and the "Irish Republican Army".  The IRA was a Catholic group and the "Orange men" were anti-IRA or anti-Catholic.  I could go a little deeper, but, this is essentially correct.

    The Kenyan "Orange Democratic Party" is Anti-Catholic which is why they call themselves "Orange".

    Obama supports an Anti-Catholic political party made up of Muslim extremists who engage in religious "genocidal" acts.

  9. Well some people must or it wouldn't happen in history and even in the present day. I too find it extremely sickening and repulsive and can't understand why some people call for the deaths of groups ie Jews, Muslims, Catholics, blacks. You still see people calling for genocide or ethnic cleansing of others and it is quite sad.  

  10. The cleaner the better.  I take a bath every day.

  11. You see it depends,

    If you have an enemy you would probably want to wipe out the enemy,

    whats that classed as.

    if aliens came down they had bad intentions we would probably wipe them out.

    so its all a point of view,,

  12. Not me, but some do.  And were elected.  Two elected ones are shown below.

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